
  • Angelina Nobel Uly Presiden Universitas
  • David Reynold Tambunan Perbanas Institute
  • Rosalia Rosalia Perbanas Institute


Leader-Member Exchange, Job Satisfaction, Loyalty


Human resources are a crucial aspect of a company. The significance of human resources in a company necessitates that every company hire competent and effective people to manage the business. Management has set objectives, designs, and preparations for operational activities, including the design of management structures and procedures. To be able to carry out a design and preparation that involves the design of management structures and procedures, management and employees must have a positive rapport. This research seeks to examine the relationship between Leader-Member Exchange and Job Satisfaction and Loyalty. This research was conducted at the Indonesian Adventist University, where the population consisted of all linked parties employed at the Indonesian Adventist University, and a total of 124 individuals were sampled using a method of purposive sampling. A questionnaire was used to collect data, which was then analyzed using multiple regression methods and SPSS version 24 software. This study indicated that Leader-Member Exchange has a positive and significant effect on Employee Loyalty. Job Satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on Employee Loyalty. Both Leader-Member Exchange and Job Satisfaction have a substantial effect on Employee Loyalty concurrently.


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How to Cite

Uly, A. N., Tambunan, D. R., & Rosalia, R. (2023). THE EFFECTS OF LEADER-MEMBER EXCHANGE (LMX) AND JOB SATISFACTION ON LOYALTY AT THE ADVENTIST UNIVERSITY OF INDONESIA. Jurnal Ekonomi, 12(01), 484–489. Retrieved from