
  • Ikhsanudin Ikhsanudin UIN Salatiga, Indonesia


Orientation, Attitude, Religious Conduct


"Religious Orientation, Attitudes, and Behavior" became the title of this study. The religious beliefs that a person has will affect his orientation, attitude, and behavior. The concept of caliphate, as well as other religious beliefs, has an impact on a person's orientation, attitude, and behavior. While one's attitude may be inclusive or restrictive, it will affect one's religious behavior towards worship, how to dress, and interact with others. A person's religious orientation is divided into two categories: intrinsic (observance of religion) and extrinsic (using religion). Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out a person's religious orientation, attitude, or behavior. As for data collection, this work uses a form of literature study. The results of this study explain that religious orientation greatly influences the attitudes and behavior of a person. Meanwhile, attitudes can be formed from the experience of a good person from family, colleagues and other people around him. In the end, the behavior of a person is shown from religious customs derived from the Qur'an and Hadith.


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How to Cite

Ikhsanudin, I. (2023). RELIGIOUS ORIENTATION, ATTITUDES, AND BEHAVIOR. Jurnal Ekonomi, 12(01), 660–664. Retrieved from