
  • Bela Sulanjari Stikubank University Semarang
  • Endang Tjahjaningsih Stikubank University Semarang


Utilitarian Value, Customer Reviews, Purchasing Decisions, Consumer Satisfaction


The development of Internet technology led to a change in the trading system that has existed since the last few decades. One of the popular e-commers in Indonesia today is Shopee.  This application facilitates sellers to sell easily and provides convenience and security for consumers in payment and delivery. This study aims to examine the effect of utilitarian value and customer review on purchasing decisions and their impact on consumer satisfaction.  The object used in this study are Shopee e-commerce users. The sampling technique used was a purposive accidental sampling method with 100 respondents. The analysis data used multiple regression and found that utilitarian value and customer reviews had a significant effect on purchasing decisions and purchasing decisions had an influence on consumer satisfaction.


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Author Biographies

Bela Sulanjari, Stikubank University Semarang



Endang Tjahjaningsih, Stikubank University Semarang




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How to Cite

Sulanjari, B., & Tjahjaningsih, E. (2023). ONLINE PURCHASING DECISIONS ARE INFLUENCED BY UTILITARIAN VALUE TO INCREASE PURCHASE SATISFACTION. Jurnal Ekonomi, 12(02), 1540–1546. Retrieved from