hadith, understanding, approach, psychologyAbstract
Psychology is one of the choices for an integrative multidisciplinary approach that continues to be developed by researchers. In some cases of hadith, when the Prophet was asked several companions with almost the same question and the Prophet answered it not uniformly, because one of the aspects on which the Prophet's answer was based was the psychological aspect. Similarly, the psychological approach is an option for understanding a hadith that is considered appropriate in an effort to understand a hadith. This article is library research, which is research derived from library materials using a qualitative approach. Some indications suggest that the Prophet considered the psychological aspects of the companion who questioned. It is hoped that research on the understanding of hadith in the future will be more varied on aspects of the approach used such as psychological aspects, so that later Hadith and generally Islam can be the answer to all problems that are problems of people in the world.
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