
  • Septi Cahya Sari Universitas YPPI Rembang
  • Syaiko Rosyidi Universitas YPPI Rembang


Product Diversity, Tourist Attraction, Pricing, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Traveller Loyalty


The purpose of this study  is to show the  influence of product diversity  , tourist attractions, pricing, service quality mediated by customer satisfaction on tourist loyalty on tourist attraction (case study on tourists of Pasar Mbrumbung Rembang Regency).  This study uses independent variables, namely  product diversity  , tourist attractions, pricing and service quality, bound variables, namely tourist loyalty and mediation variables, namely customer satisfaction. Data collection techniques were carried out in this study through questionnaires. The source of data used in the research conducted  is from  primary data sources obtained from research instruments in the form of questionnaires. The population of this study consisted of all tourists who had and/or recently visited Pasar Mrumbung, Rembang Regency. The sampling technique used in the study was  non-probability sampling  with the sample technique of convenience random sampling,  the sample in the  study was 100 people who had and/or had just visited the Mbrumbung Market, Rembang Regency. The results showed that tourist  attractions and pricing had a significant positive effect on tourist loyalty.  Product diversity and service quality have a significant negative effect on tourist loyalty. Product diversity and service quality have a significant positive effect on tourist  loyalty mediated by customer satisfaction from the results of the customer satisfaction path analysis test results are able to mediate the effect of product diversity and service quality on tourist loyalty. Tourist attractions have a significant negative effect on tourist loyalty mediated by customer satisfaction from the results of the customer satisfaction path analysis test is unable to mediate the effect of tourist attractions on tourist loyalty. Pricing had no significant negative effect on customer satisfaction-mediated traveller loyalty and from the results of the customer satisfaction path analysis test was unable to mediate the effect of pricing on tourist loyalty.


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Author Biographies

Septi Cahya Sari, Universitas YPPI Rembang



Syaiko Rosyidi, Universitas YPPI Rembang




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How to Cite

Sari, S. C., & Rosyidi, S. (2023). THE EFFECT OF PRODUCT DIVERSITY, TOURIST ATTRACTIONS, PRICING AND SERVICE QUALITY MEDIATED BY CUSTOMER SATISFACTION ON TOURIST LOYALTY TO TOURIST ATTRACTION (Case Study on Mbrumbung Market Tourists, Rembang Regency). Jurnal Ekonomi, 12(3), 639–649. Retrieved from