
  • David Maurice Pelita Harapan University
  • Pauline H. Pattyranie Pelita Harapan University


Job Satisfaction, Perceived Organizational Support, Organizational Commitment, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour


Human resource management is one of many critical aspects in healthcare service as individual performance may greatly impacts the whole organization’s performance. Organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) has been linked with both individual and organizational performance as well as some other positive outcomes. X Hospital in Bandung has been performing relatively poor for the past few years and majority its employees have not shown OCB in their work. With the current transactional leadership, this study refers to the theory of social exchange to identify how organization can encourage OCB without a transformational leader. This study was conducted to determine the effect of job satisfaction, perceived organizational, and organizational commitment on OCB. Cross-sectional data collection was used to gather quantitative data using online survey form. The research model and questionnaire used were customized based on previous literatures. The study was then conducted on the whole population of 98 nurses of X Hospital Bandung. Regression analysis of the data were then done using PLS-SEM method. The results showed that only organizational commitment has a direct positive effect on OCB. Job satisfaction and perceived organizational support can positively influence OCB of nurses in X Hospital Bandung with the mediation of organizational commitment




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Author Biographies

David Maurice, Pelita Harapan University



Pauline H. Pattyranie , Pelita Harapan University




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