Organizational Culture, Employee PerformanceAbstract
The purpose of this research is the implementation of organizational culture in
supporting the process of achieving the goals that have been set. In particular,
this research has a target to (1) analyze how the process of implementing
organizational culture in improving performance, (2) analyzing the supporting
and inhibiting factors in the implementation of organizational culture in
improving the performance of the operational division employees at the
distributor of PT. Tirtakencana Tata Warna. This type of research is qualitative
descriptive using a case study approach. Data collection techniques used by
means of observation, interviews, documentation. The data obtained were
validated through: a) Persistence of observation, b) Triangulation of Data
Sources, c) Adequacy of Reference. The research data is processed through the
following techniques: a) Data Reduction, b) Data Presentation, c) Conclusion
Drawing, which aims to obtain data to support the final results of the study. The
results show that the The cooperation dimension explains that a conducive work
environment must be formed by leaders by creating a culture of cooperation and
professionalism, so that employees will apply themselves to be professional and
be able to work in teams well. The self-ability dimension describes a work
environment that is not conducive because many conflicting organizational
cultures can lead to a lack of work discipline, less harmonious relations between
employees, teamwork does not work. The self-development dimension explains
that the employee self-development program at the distributor of PT.
Tirtakencana Tatawarna operational division must be supported by a strong
organizational culture, so that employee performance can improve
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