Leadership Role, Employee Performance AppraisalAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine the role of leadership in improving
employee performance appraisal. In particular, this research has a target to (1)
analyze how the process of implementing the leadership role in improving
performance appraisal, (2) analyzing the supporting and inhibiting factors in the
implementation of the leadership role in improving performance appraisal of
employees of PT. SIIX EMS Indonesia Purchasing section. This type of research is
qualitative using a case study approach. Data collection techniques used by
means of observation, interviews, documentation. The data obtained were
validated through: a) Persistence of observation, b) Triangulation of Data
Sources, c) Adequacy of Reference. The research data is processed through the
following techniques: a) Data Reduction, b) Data Presentation, c) Conclusion
Drawing, which aims to obtain data to support the final results of the study. The
results show that the fair dimension has not gone well, because managers in
providing performance appraisals based on proximity to employees are not in
accordance with KPI standards, dimensions support goals, managers in
supporting work adjust to company conditions so that teamwork between
employees goes well, dimensions being appreciative, managers give awards to
employees who excel, but in providing performance appraisals they still use the
element of closeness to employees
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