Government Leadership, Innovation, Public ServiceAbstract
Leadership is a very important dimension in the quality of public services. With innovation from the government or regional heads, it can improve the quality of public services in the area. The quality of public services is the main parameter in the success of an autonomous region in implementing decentralization. This study aims to examine the role of innovation in strengthening public services in the digital era in the context of government leadership. The research method used in this research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The data collection technique was carried out by means of in-depth interviews with a number of informants related to the research problem as well as secondary data collection from various literature that supports the research. The results of this study explain that the government leadership model consists of democratic, bureaucratic, laissez faire, and autocratic leadership models. Leadership Government itself is influenced by variables of the situation and conditions of government, the people as followers, and the rulers as leaders. Government leadership innovations in improving public services include the use of information technology, open government, a citizen-centric approach, development of leadership competencies and Data-Driven Decision Making.
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