The Effect of Quality of Work Life, Professionalism, Discipline and Trust on Employee Performance in the Scope of the General Election Commission (KPU) OFFICE WEST SECRET DISTRICT OF SERAM
Professionalism, Discipline and Trust, EmployeeAbstract
Competence is an integral part of an employee in the world of work. This study aims, To analyze and explain the effect of quality of life performance on employee performance, To analyze and explain professionalism on employee performance, To analyze and explain the effect of work discipline on employee performance, To analyze and explain the effect of trust on employee performance at KPU Seram Research Object Section at the Office of the General Election Commission (KPU) of West Seram Regency. With the sampling technique that is saturated, with a total sample of 32 employees. Methods of data analysis using multiple linear regression software program SPSS vs 23. The results of the study prove that there is a positive influence between the quality of work life which has a significant effect on employee performance, professionalism which has a significant effect on employee performance. Work discipline has a significant effect on employee performance. Trust has a significant effect on employee performance at the Office of the General Election Commission (KPU) of West Seram Regency. variables that have been studied at this time by adding other variables such as organizational culture by expanding the research location.
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