Noise, Workload, Work Fatigue, Work Stress, PerformanceAbstract
This study attempts to examine the influence of noise, workload, work fatigue, work stress and performance among variables. Employees at PT. X, one of Indonesia's top producers of cable accessories, served as the study's samples. The study adopted a quantitative methodology and employed questionnaires to gather information from 140 PT. X employees working in various divisions. The research data was obtained from the results of filling out the questionnaire and analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Squares (SEM PLS) with SmartPLS program. The results showed that noise in the workplace has a significant and positive influence on the level of employee work stress. Noise that exceeds the threshold value can lead to higher work stress and lower productivity. In addition, excessive workload also contributes to increased stress and decreased employee productivity. Work fatigue also affects work stress and employee performance, where high fatigue can lead to decreased work efficiency and performance. The results show that noise, workload and work fatigue have a negative and significant effect on employee performance, while job stress also has a negative effect on performance. In conclusion, work environment factors such as noise, workload, and work fatigue affect job stress and employee performance at PT. X. Company managers need to optimize the work environment and reduce the negative impact of these factors to increase employee productivity. This research provides valuable insights for companies in developing policies that support employee welfare and achieve company goals.
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