human resources, effective training program, job satisfaction, reward management systemAbstract
This study aims to analyze the effect of effective training programs, job satisfaction and reward management systems on work motivation at BPR Kendali Artha. Collecting data using a questionnaire with a Likert scale and primary data. The sample is the entire population, namely 86 employees as respondents. Data processing uses SPSS with multiple linear regression tests. The results show that the effective training program has no effect on work motivation so that the hypothesis is rejected. Job satisfaction has a significant positive effect on work motivation so that the hypothesis is accepted and the Reward management system has a significant positive effect on work motivation so that the hypothesis is accepted. Variations in the magnitude of work motivation can be explained by the variables of effective training programs, job satisfaction, and reward management systems. While the rest is explained by other variables not included in the study. These results are expected to be taken into consideration by BPR Kendali Artha in formulating a policy.
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