Securities Crowdfunding, Entrepreneurship, StudentAbstract
One of the technological developments is Financial Technology. Fintech products exist to provide convenience to the community in the form of collective funding. The research aims to see interest in entrepreneurship using crowdfunding. This research analyzes the aspects that influence student interest in investing with crowdfunding securities in realizing Entrepreneurship at the Politeknik Unggul LP3M. Research will look at performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions. Research is important because entrepreneurship is very important to improve. So that university graduates can become job openings. Research using qualitative research. This study used Politeknik Unggul LP3M students for analysis. Research shows that crowdfunding securities technology can facilitate investment choices because it can monitor investment developments anytime and anywhere. Students are not influenced by their surroundings. Students tend to play social media and will invest based on self-belief. With the availability and convenience of technological facilities such as technological facilities, it is easy to obtain information about crowdfunding securities.
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