
  • Nurul Maghifirah Faculty of Economics and Business, Pattimura University
  • Novalien Carolina Lewaherilla Faculty of Economics and Business, Pattimura University
  • Asiani Sijabat Faculty of Economics and Business, Pattimura University


Capability of Resilience, Innovative Behavior, Performance of Woman Entrepreneurs


The aim of this research is to analyze the influence between Capacity of Resilience and Innovative Behavior on the Performance of Woman Entrepreneurs in Ambon City, Nusaniwe District. This research design is an associative explanatory survey, namely a study that aims to reveal the correlation and contribution between the variables Capacity of Resilience and Innovative Behavior to the Performance of Woman Entrepreneurs. The object of the research is MSME actors in Ambon City. The sample in this study was 79 female MSME actors in Ambon City, Nusaniwe District. The research results show that Capacity of Resilience has a significant and positive effect on the performance of Woman Entrepreneurs, Innovative Behavior has a significant and positive effect on performance of woman entrepreneurs. The suggestions that can be put forward are to prioritize Capability of Resilience in optimizing the performance of Woman Entrepreneurs by encouraging improvements in quality and service to customers, quantity of business, responsibility, effectiveness and independence.


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How to Cite

Maghifirah, N., Lewaherilla, N. C., & Sijabat, A. (2023). CAPACITY OF RISILIENCE AND INNOVATIVE BEHAVIOR: ITS INFLUENCE ON THE PERFORMANCE OF WOMAN ENTREPRENEURS IN AMBON CITY. Jurnal Ekonomi, 12(04), 808–813. Retrieved from

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