Service quality, location, atmosphere, patient satisfactionAbstract
Identifying patient satisfaction is a significant aspect for institutions in the service sector, especially hospitals. Satisfied consumers use the service repeatedly and tell or persuade people to use it. Therefore, the aims of this study were (1) to determine whether service quality has a positive effect on patient satisfaction, (2) to determine whether location has a positive effect on patient satisfaction at a hospital, and (3) to determine whether the atmosphere has a positive effect on patient satisfaction. This study was conducted at a hospital XYZ in Pekalongan, Indonesia, with 400 respondents who filled out the questionnaire. The data collection technique used a questionnaire distributed electronically via Google Forms and processed using the Smart PLS application. Four hundred respondents participated in our study. Respondent demographic profiling included age, gender, last education, and patient status. Most of the participants were aged 25-45 years old (47,00%), female (74,25%), went to senior high school as their last education (54,00%), and had a history of hospitalization (98,25%). We found that service quality and ambiance positively impacted patients’ satisfaction with a p-value of 0,000 and 0,000 (p<0,05), while location did not (p = 0,054). Our study finds that service quality and atmosphere positively affect patient satisfaction.
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