alternative public company financing, right issue, corporate bonds, asset-based financingAbstract
The Indonesian economy is currently quite good with a strong foundation These conditions make Indonesia look very attractive to investors, also supported by the results of Indonesia's ranking by Standard and Poor's (S&P) in 2023, which shows that Indonesia is able to maintain its BBB rating with a stable outlook. This stimulates market conditions, which is shown by the increase in performance and development of companies in Indonesia, especially those that have been listed on the Indonesian stock exchange. However, in its development efforts, even though it has gone public, companies often face challenges in meeting financial needs for continued growth, expansion and innovation. So this research aims to explore alternative sources of financing that can be used by listed companies company for the purpose of company growth and development, as well as factors that influence the selection of alternative funding sources. In order to do this, this research uses literature research methods review using the PRISMA approach. The journals and books reviewed are in the range of 2017 – 2022. The results of the review show that the types of alternative financing that are widely used are: share issuance, corporate bonds, and asset-based financing. Meanwhile, the factors that need to be considered in the selection are: risk, market conditions, environmental issues, maximization of internal financing sources, investor expectations of returns, and business operations
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