
  • Dwi Yuniarto Universitas Sebelas April


Management Information System, Technology, Blockchain


This research aims to investigate the application of management information systems based on blockchain technology in the context of modern organizations. By observing the global paradigm shift in data and information management, blockchain technology has emerged as a potential solution to address issues of security, transparency and data integrity. This research uses a qualitative approach to analyze the effect of implementing a blockchain-based management information system on operational efficiency, risk management and information security in an organization. This research method involves surveys, interviews, and documentation analysis to understand the impact of blockchain technology implementation on organizational management processes. The research results show that the application of blockchain technology in Management Information Systems (MIS) has great potential in improving operational efficiency and security in various sectors. Key benefits identified include increased data transparency, more decentralized financial management, and fairer copyright protection in the entertainment and media industries. Nonetheless, challenges such as high initial costs and differences in regulations across countries remain obstacles that need to be overcome to ensure broader and coordinated adoption of blockchain technology. Collaboration between government, industry and relevant stakeholders will be key in developing a framework that supports and overcomes these barriers, thereby enabling broader and more effective use of blockchain technology in the management of Management Information Systems in the future.


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How to Cite

Dwi Yuniarto. (2023). IMPLEMENTATION OF A MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM BASED ON BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY. Jurnal Ekonomi, 12(04), 1370–1375. Retrieved from