
  • Nyemas Mega Ningsih Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Tanjungpura, Indonesia
  • Juniwati Juniwati Faculty of Economics and Business Tanjungpura University, Indonesia
  • Wenny Pebrianti Faculty of Economics and Business Tanjungpura University, Indonesia
  • Maria Christiana Iman Kalis Faculty of Economics and Business Tanjungpura University, Indonesia
  • Yulyanti Fahruna Faculty of Economics and Business Tanjungpura University, Indonesia


Content Creators, Social Media Marketing, Brand Awareness, Intention to Use, Purchasing Decision


Beauty Influencers have a huge influence on business development, both from local products and international products, to increase brand awareness in purchasing decisions by reusing (intention to reuse) shopee affiliate referral links in the future. One of them in this study is Beauty Influencer Elizabeth Christina (Lizzie Parra). She is also a beautypreneur and owns a local cosmetic brand called BLP Beauty, which stands for (By Lizzie Parra Beauty) founded in 2016. Seeing the background on influencers, BLP Beauty cosmetic products and the use of referral links shopee affiliates in today's times, this research also raises how the Effect of Content Marketing Beauty Influencers and Brand Awareness on Purchasing Decisions with Intention to Reuse Referral Links Shopee Affiliates as mediation. The data collection method of this study was distributed using online questionnaires on several islands in Indonesia with a total of 285 respondents, having criteria of at least 17 years old, using the Instagram and Shopee applications and using BLP Beauty products. Respondents taken are consumers who are influential in the influence of content marketing beauty influencers. This research was conducted using a purposive sampling technique. The hypotheses built in this study will be tested with a causal approach and using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS 24 tools. The results in this study indicate that content marketing beauty influencers and brand awareness have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions and a significant mediating role on the intention to reuse referral links with shopee affiliates.


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How to Cite

Mega Ningsih, N., Juniwati, J., Pebrianti, W., Iman Kalis, M. C., & Fahruna, Y. (2023). THE INFLUENCE OF CONTENT MARKETING BEAUTY INFLUENCER AND BRAND AWARENESS ON PURCHASING DECISIONS WITH INTENTION TO REUSE REFERRAL LINK SHOPEE AFFILIATES AS A VARIABLE MEDIATION (Lizzie Parra Influencer Study and BLP Beauty Cosmetic Products). Jurnal Ekonomi, 12(04), 1902–1912. Retrieved from

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