motivation, ability, employee performanceAbstract
An Employee Performance important role for the achievement of a company's performance. There are two factors that can affect employee performance, namely motivation and ability factors. Factors that originate from within the individual are called motivation and factors that originate from the skills of employees are called abilities. This study aims to examine the effect of motivation and ability on employee performance. This study uses three scales, namely the motivation and ability scale, and the employee performance scale. This research involved 50 company employees. The collected data is then processed using the multiple regression analysis method. Based on the hypothesis, it can be concluded that motivation and ability can be used as predictors for predicting employee performance. The implication of the research is expected that the management can meet the personal needs of employees through increasing the factors that affect employee performance, developing work motivation through relevant development programs, and can consider employee motivation and ability as an indicator in the recruitment of new employees and employee promotions.
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