The influence of destination image on satisfaction and impact on tourist loyalty (study on sipiso-piso Waterfall tourists)
Destination image, Tourist satisfaction, Tourist loyaltyAbstract
Destination image is one thing that makes tourists interested or vice versa in visiting a tourist attraction. This can be formed by word of mouth that is felt directly by tourists from a visit. The better the image of a destination and the existing reality, the more likely tourists are to make a return visit. The research objective is to determine the effect of destination image on satisfaction and its impact on tourist loyalty. The method used to analyze the research data is descriptive quantitative and the data analysis model used is multiple linear regression analysis. Testing this hypothesis using the coefficient of determination test, partial test and simultaneous test. The research sample was 100 Sipiso-piso Waterfall tourist respondents. The results showed that partially destination image has an effect on tourist loyalty, while tourist satisfaction has no effect on tourist loyalty and simultaneously destination image and tourist satisfaction have an effect on tourist loyalty. With the results of this study, the recommendation that can be given is to improve the image of the destination by paying attention to tourist satisfaction which can increase tourist loyalty to return to Sipiso-piso Waterfall, Brand District, Karo Regency.
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