COVID-19 aftermath: study of implication to Indonesia industries performance
Market Performance, Fundamental Performance, COVID-19Abstract
This study aims to analyze the difference in market performance value and fundamental performance before the pandemic, during the pandemic, recovery period, and after the COVID-19 pandemic. This study uses a descriptive methodology to characterize the results of the analysis of market performance variables, namely share return, MBR, and PER. Then the fundamental perforance consists of ROA, CR, and DER for all components. The data of this study are secondary. The objects of this study are 11 industrial sectors recorded on the IDX through a sample selection process with conditions determined by the author. Data were tested using ANCOVA test through a process of descriptive, normality, and homogeneity testing. The results showed that Market to Book Ratio (MBR) that has significant differences is the main cyclicals sector, consumer non-cyclicals, financial, main industrials, infrastructures, technology, transportation & logistics and energy. Then the price earning ratio (PER) which has significant differences is the main industrial sector, the technology sector and the transportation & logistics sector. The variable share return that has significant differences is the cyclicals sector and the consumer non-cyclicals sector. Profitability variables that have significant differences are the main cyclicals sector, healthcare sector, main industrial sector, infrastructures sector, properties & real estate sector, Transportation & Logistics sector, energy sector. Liquidity variables that have significant differences are the basic materials sector, the main industrial sector, the technology sector, the transportation & logistics sector. Solvency variables that have significant differences are the main cyclicals sector, the property & real estate sector and the energy sector.
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