The influence of the environment, business capital and creativity of marketing strategies in increasing the competitiveness of UMKM in Bengkayang city


  • Blasius Manggu Management Study Progam, Shanti Bhuana Institut, Bengkayang, Indonesia
  • Sabinus Beni Entrepreunership Study Progam, Shanti Bhuana Institut, Bengkayang, Indonesia
  • Silvester Silvester Primary School Teacher Education Study Progam, Shanti Bhuana Institut, Bengkayang, Indonesia
  • Kusnanto Kusnanto Information Technology Study Progam, Shanti Bhuana Institut, Bengkayang, Indonesia


Environment, Business Capital, Creativity, Marketing Strategy, MSMEs


The innovation of an MSME is of course to adapt in a dynamic environment, MSMEs are required to be able to create new assessments, new ideas and offer innovative products. To run an MSME, capital is one of the important supporting factors that is absolutely necessary to run a business. Sources of capital can be obtained from own capital, government assistance, financial institutions, both banks and non-bank financial institutions. Every MSME that competes in an industrial environment has the desire to be superior to its competitors. MSMEs MSMEs that have competence in the fields of marketing, products, innovation can be used as a source to achieve competitive advantage. Competitive advantage can be interpreted as a benefit strategy from MSMEs collaborating to create competitive advantages, so that they can dominate in new markets and markets. The aim of this research is to find out whether there is an environmental influence on the competitiveness of MSMEs, whether capital factors can influence the competitiveness of MSMEs, whether marketing strategy creativity can influence the competitiveness of MSMEs. The first stage in this research is identifying problems, related to environmental warfare, business capital and MSME marketing creativity. The aim of the research is to identify aspects that are closely related to problems in the environment, marketing capital and creativity, literature study, literature review both journals and texts book, data processing, feasibility study regarding aspects of the role of the environment, capital and marketing creativity, analysis, extent of data processing results research, make conclusions, based on research results and make suggestions. The output of this research is articles published in accredited national journals. This type of research is descriptive quantitative, validity and reliability tests to measure concepts, classical assumption tests to test data so that it meets the Best Linear Unbiased Estimator (BLUE) criteria so that it can produce a valid estimator


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How to Cite

Manggu, B., Sabinus Beni, Silvester, S., & Kusnanto, K. (2024). The influence of the environment, business capital and creativity of marketing strategies in increasing the competitiveness of UMKM in Bengkayang city. Jurnal Ekonomi, 13(01), 1492–1503. Retrieved from