Ancient Architecture, Cultural Symbols, Cultural Identity, Architectural AnalysisAbstract
Ancient architecture has a significant role in representing the values, beliefs and identity of society in the past. By delving deeper into the structure, form and meaning of ancient architecture, this research aims to understand how this architecture became a cultural symbol that depicts aspects of people's lives in certain time periods. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The results of this research show that ancient architecture is not just a monumental physical structure, but is also a symbol of culture, power and identity. The technical expertise in the construction of large structures reflected the intellectual capabilities of ancient societies, while the art of carving and sculpture in ancient buildings provided a visual language that conveyed values and beliefs. Ancient buildings function as centers of social, religious, and political life, reinforcing cultural norms and maintaining societal stability. As a symbol of power, ancient architecture reflects the dominance of powerful entities and designs hierarchical order in society.
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