Digital Marketing Strategy, Social Media, SWOT AnalysisAbstract
The emergence of the internet network, so that marketing
continues to grow and increase to new levels, marketing
activities through the internet network are called digital
marketing. The purpose of this research is to formulate a digital
marketing strategy for Clothing Cottonstyles from Karawang
City and find solutions to solve the shortcomings or
weaknesses of Clothing Cottonstyles in the digital marketing
section. Clothing Cottonstyles is a Clothing Brand originating
from the city of Karawang with the theme of concept basics
with branding on Instagram social media. This research
process uses a qualitative method where the research subject is
the owner of Clothing Cottonstyles in the City of Karawang. The
research data was collected through direct interviews with
business owners regarding the use of social media for product
promotion and continued data processing by the authors using
External and Internal Environmental Analysis and SWOT
methods. The results of this study can be explained that the
marketing strategy as the application of digital marketing has a
great opportunity in increasing product sales and profits for
the owners of Clothing Cottonstyles. This business uses social
media Instagram as a digital marketing tool starting from
determining market segmentation, conducting sales
promotions, in collaboration with several special promotional
Instagram users, as well as building an image through photos
and videos uploaded on Instagram. But less than optimal, there
are obstacles to the Company's Digital Marketing activities,
from the promotions that are carried out less on target and
promotional strategies that are still not consistent. have great
opportunities and a wider market space than before by simply
spending low costs in implementing Digital Marketin
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