Empowering Local Economies: Unveiling the Vital Role of MSMEs in Community Workforce Empowerment
Empowering Local, Economie, Vital Role of MSMEs, Community WorkforceAbstract
Local economic empowerment through the development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) has an important role in supporting inclusive and sustainable economic growth at the local level. This research aims to analyze MSME development strategies in increasing local economic empowerment, with a focus on the success of MSMEs in Kebat District, Banyuwangi Regency. This descriptive method research takes data through analysis of trends in the number of MSME workers from 2019 to 2023, as well as through interviews with MSME owners and related stakeholders. The research results show that Kejaya Banyuwangi MSMEs face a number of obstacles in development, including limited resources, limited market access, and resistance to change. However, with strong capabilities in managing human resources (HR) and effective marketing strategies, MSMEs are able to overcome these obstacles and achieve sustainable growth. The results of this research contribute to understanding the role of MSMEs in empowering the local economy and empowering regional development. Research supports the importance of empowerment policies and programs to facilitate the growth of MSMEs and improve the welfare of local communities.
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