Analysis of Determinants of Indonesian Nickel Exports Towards an Energy Sovereign Country
Nickel Exports, Internal and External Factors, Dynamic ModelAbstract
This research aims to analyze the determinants that influence Indonesian nickel exports.The determinants used in this research consist of internal factors of national Nickel production, Rupiah exchange rate against the Dollar, investment and external factors, total GNP of European countries, and total investment of European countries.This research uses the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM).The research results show that in the short term the Nickel production value variable has a negative effect, foreign investment from Europe has a positive effect, domestic investment has a negative effect, gross domestic product per capita from European countries has a positive effect, and the Rupiah exchange rate has a negative effect on Indonesian Nickel exports.Then, in the long term, the nickel production value variable has a positive influence, foreign investment from Europe has a positive influence, domestic investment has a negative influence, gross domestic product per capita from European countries has a negative influence, and the dollar exchange rate has a positive influence on Indonesian nickel exports.From the results of this research, it can be explained that national nickel production and foreign investment from Europe greatly contribute to the value of nickel exports in the long term.However, domestic investment in the mining sector has a negative impact, meaning that investment uses a lot of non-nickel or imported raw materials.The GDP per capita of European countries also has a negative effect, meaning that production from European industry is not completely dependent on Indonesian nickel raw materials.
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