Determinants Of Women's Entrepreneurship Decisions
Entrepreneurship, welfare, women's participation, economic sustainability, business economicAbstract
This study aims to examine the specific individual characteristics influencing women's entrepreneurial decisions in Indonesia. Age, education, interest in entrepreneurship, and welfare were all factors considered to be individual characteristics. The fifth Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) batch was used for this study's secondary data. Based on the required characteristics, samples were collected using the purposive sampling technique. The sample criteria that should be met in this study were women aged 14 years and over and answering the employment questionnaire. After cleaning the data, there were 15,900 female respondents. The technical data analysis used probit model regression. The findings of this study demonstrated that women's entrepreneurial decisions were significantly and positively influenced by age. Women's entrepreneurial decisions were also significantly and positively influenced by individual welfare. Individual entrepreneurial decisions, however, were not significantly influenced by education level or interest level. Further, the results of this research can provide information to the government and serve as a reference in formulating women's empowerment policies and increasing the quantity and quality of entrepreneurs in Indonesia, especially women. This research demonstrated conformity with Astner H.'s research results regarding the role of women in entrepreneurship. However, differences exist in the supporting factors for women entrepreneurs in Anthopouloue T. H.’s research results. The recommendation from this study is the need to continue to encourage the role of women in developing their potential to increase the level of welfare through entrepreneurship in Indonesia.
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