Perceptions Of Street Vendors About Halal Certification Self-Declaration Path In Bangkalan City Square


  • Lia Anjali Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
  • Dahruji Dahruji Universitas Trunojoyo Madura


Perception, Halal Certification, Street Vendors, Bangkalan


This study aims to collect clear information regarding the views of street vendors on halal certification through self-declaration in Bangkalan City Square. The objects in this study are street vendors operating in the city square, namely chocolate ice vendors, Ice Cincau vendors, Batagor vendors, Cireng and Cimol vendors, Egg Roll Vendors, and Gejrot Tofu vendors. The results of interviews with informants regarding halalic certification procedures for self-disclaration pathways produce a variety of different responses. Then, there is interest from some street vendors after realizing the importance of halals certification for their products and following applicable regulations. There is a need to provide clearer knowledge about the process and the benefits for their business. Therefore, it is necessary to increase socialization activities on self-Declare Pathway Halal Certification, especially for street vendors. This can help them fulfill their statutory obligations and strengthen buyer confidence in their products.


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How to Cite

Lia Anjali, & Dahruji, D. (2024). Perceptions Of Street Vendors About Halal Certification Self-Declaration Path In Bangkalan City Square. Jurnal Ekonomi, 13(02), 1198–1205. Retrieved from