The Role Of Information Technology On Business Development


  • Dwi Fany Fransiska Dewi Butar-butar Management Faculty, STIE IBMI Medan
  • Evi Novalin Bako Management Faculty, STIE IBMI Medan


business scale, Technology, Information Technology


This research aims to determine the role of information technology in business development. This research uses a literature review method (library research), namely research based on expert opinion and the results of previous research. The role of information technology can improve business development. Information technology allows businesses to reach a wider market, helps businesses adapt to trends and changes in the business world. The development of online business is also supported by advances in digital information technology and allows businesses to reach a wider consumer market, cut promotional and marketing costs, and reduce business operational costs. In addition to overcoming the challenges faced by businesses, including increasing competition and the latest changes and trends.



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How to Cite

Dwi Fany Fransiska Dewi Butar-butar, & Evi Novalin Bako. (2024). The Role Of Information Technology On Business Development. Jurnal Ekonomi, 13(02), 1314–1320. Retrieved from