The Influence Of Environmental Communication, Advertising, And Ewom Toward Purchase Intention Of Electric Vehicle In Indonesia


  • Dewi Oktafiyanti Department of Communication, Binus University, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Annisa Anasti Department of Communication, Binus University, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Aras Department of Communication, Binus University, Jakarta, Indonesia


Electric Vehicle, Environmental Communication, Advertising, E-wom, Purchase Intention Word


The transportation sector emits greenhouse gases and pollutes the air. More vehicles mean more fossil fuels. Alternative fuels are needed, like electric vehicles (EVs). The adoption of new products must go through several stages in the consumer chain. Understanding factors affecting purchase decisions is crucial for companies. Research will focus on factors influencing Purchase Intention of EVs, particularly in Jakarta. The study involved 414 respondents. It comprised 5 latent variables, with attitude mediating Purchase Intention. Variables included environmental communication, advertising, and attitude. Path analysis employed Structural Equation Model (SEM), combining a structural and measurement model. These findings align with previous studies, emphasizing the pivotal role of these factors in influencing consumers'' purchase intentions towards electric vehicles (EVs) and promoting sustainable transportation.The transition to Electric Vehicles (EVs) is vital for Indonesia''s sustainable future. This study explores factors influencing EV adoption, focusing on attitudes. Environmental communication, Advertising, and Electronic word of Mouth positively impact attitudes, indirectly affecting purchase intentions. However, limitations include the study''s narrow focus on Jakarta, Depok, Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi hindering generalization to Indonesia''s wider population. Future research should expand demographic data to enhance understanding of EV purchase factors nationwide.


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How to Cite

Oktafiyanti, D., Anasti, A., & Aras, M. (2024). The Influence Of Environmental Communication, Advertising, And Ewom Toward Purchase Intention Of Electric Vehicle In Indonesia. Jurnal Ekonomi, 13(02), 1536–1546. Retrieved from