Navigating Digital Leadership Through A Bibliometric Lens


  • Ahmad Ahmad Management Study Program, La Tansa Mashiro University, Banten, Indonesia


Leadership, digital leadership, e-leadership, literature review, bibliometric analysis


Digital disruption has changed organizations in unprecedented ways. The rapidly evolving field of digital leadership currently receives little attention, with only retrospective studies of its evolution having been conducted so far. This study presents a bibliometric and network analysis that combines Scopus and Web of Science databases to provide new insights into the evolution of the digital leadership research field. The study is based on a review of 79 publications from 57 journals, published between 2000 and 2020. The novelty of the topic and the range of journals that publish on it confirm that digital leadership has attracted interest from a wide range of fields. The bibliometric analysis provides a description of the research field identifying the leading publishing journals, affiliation statistics, and the most influential authors and publications expressive of the research field. Network analysis identified the evolution of keywords over time, co-citation relationships, and research clusters. Content analysis was used to identify key topics in the field with an eye to the interrelationships between them. A brief description of each paper in the dataset and its methodological approach is provided. The results suggest that this topic will continue to attract more research, as it has not yet entered the maturity stage. This paper contributes to the literature by analyzing the relationship between digital leadership and e-leadership. The study also identifies the most important digital leadership capabilities for a rapidly changing world. Limitations and future avenues are also discussed.


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How to Cite

Ahmad, A. (2024). Navigating Digital Leadership Through A Bibliometric Lens. Jurnal Ekonomi, 13(03), 913–930. Retrieved from