RAD, Accounting Information System, Bookkeeping, CV. Makmur Auto SejahteraAbstract
In the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, business competition is getting tougher, encouraging institutions or companies to continue to improve the efficiency and productivity of their resources, including human resources and their management systems. The global crisis that arises is a process by which the entire business world, including the service sector and manufacturing industry, learns and experiences to continuously improve efficiency and effectiveness in resource management, including improving and running professional and quality human resources working to achieve company goals [1]. This also has an impact on companies engaged in the automotive sector. Competition in this field is getting tougher in Indonesia, especially in the type of motorized vehicle, namely private cars, which can be proven by the increasing number of official car dealers, new car brands that have sprung up and the number of car ownership that is increasing in Indonesia every year. Based on this background, the more competition that occurs, in this case each dealer will improve its system, in this case the sales system, inventory, recording to stocks. CV. Makmur Auto Sejahtera is one of the companies engaged in the automotive sector, namely the sale of spare parts (spare parts) of various car brands located in the city of Medan. The problem that occurs today is the lack of control over inventory such as the frequent difference in inventory when an adjustment of the balance will be made between the recording of the warehouse section and the office administration department, to the difference in the physical amount in the warehouse with the amount recorded on the warehouse stock card.
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