Implementation of SAP, HR competency, Utilization of SIKD, The role of APIP, SPIP, Quality of local government financial statements.Abstract
The purpose of this study was to determisne and analyze the factors that
affecting the quality of financial statements in the Government of Mandailing
Natal District. The factors that influence it are the implementation of
government accounting standards (SAP), human resource competencies (HR),
utilization of the local financial information system (SIKD), and the role of
Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP), with the moderating
variables is the government’s internal control system (SPIP). The type of
research in this study is causal associative using primary data and data
collection techniques through the distribution of questionnaires in regional
device organizations of Mandailing Natal, North Sumatera, Indonesia. The
method of determining the sample with the census method, so that the entire
population is used as a research sample. The population of this study was 35
regional device organizations, each consisting of 3 respondents with total 105
respondents. Data is processed using SEM method with Smart PLS analysis
tools. The results of this study prove that the implementation of SAP has an
effect on the quality of the Mandailing Natal District Government's financial
statements, HR competencies have an effect on the quality of the Mandailing
Natal District Government's financial statements, the utilization of SIKD has a
an effect on the quality of the Mandailing Natal District Government's financial
statements, the role of the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP)
has an effect on the quality of the Mandailing Natal District Government's
financial statements. Then SPIP does not moderate each of the effects of SAP
implementation, HR competencies, utilization of SIKD and the role of
Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP) on the quality of the
Mandailing Natal District Government's financial statements.
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