
  • Adji Seputra Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Pandanaran
  • Dheasey Amboningtyas Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Pandanaran


lecturer perception, student ability, online learning


This type of research is a survey research using three data collection techniques are questionnaires, documentation, and interviews. The variables studied were the Lecturer’s Perception of Creative Thinking Ability X1; Lecturer’s Perception of Logical Thinking Ability (X2); and Student Ability in Virtual Class and WhatsApp Group Online Learning (Y). The results showed that (1) Lecturer’s Perception of Creative Thinking Ability (X1) had a significant effect on Ability in Online Learning Virtual Class and WhatsApp Group with the Standardized Coefficients value of 0.958 or 95.8%. This means that the Lecturer’s Perception of Creative Thinking Ability 95.8% influences Ability in Virtual Class and WhatsApp Group Online Learning; (2) Lecturer’s Perception of Logical Thinking Ability (X2) has a significant effect on Ability in Online Learning Virtual Class and WhatsApp Group with the Standardized Coefficients value of  0.045 or 4.5%. This shows that Logical Thinking Ability (X2) influences Ability in Virtual Class and WhatsApp Group Online Learning.


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How to Cite

Adji Seputra, & Dheasey Amboningtyas. (2022). LECTURER’S PERCEPTION OF STUDENT’S ABILITY PANDANARAN UNIVERSITY IN ONLINE LEARNING. Jurnal Ekonomi, 11(03), 642–648. Retrieved from https://ejournal.seaninstitute.or.id/index.php/Ekonomi/article/view/751