Lifestyle, qualitative, coffee shop, purchasing decisionsAbstract
Garut Regency is another regency with a plethora of coffee shops. The increasing number of new coffee shops in Garut Regency over the last 5 years reflects the growth of coffee shops. In the past, Sidewalk and Brontoseno Coffee were several pioneers of coffee shops or places to drink in Garut, but we have recently seen a lot of new coffee shops such as OKUI, SK Kopi Lab, Feudal Coffee, Alenia, Peh Kopi, and many more. People, particularly the millennial generation, are looking for good places or instagramable places to take pictures and post them on social media; they are also more concerned with good places than taste, which includes coffee shops. In contrast to true coffee connoisseurs, who travel throughout the Regency in search of shops with delectable flavors and unique brews. In this study, a qualitative approach is used. This study included seven informants. The study's findings include the lifestyle of coffee consumers in the Garut Regency area who choose a coffee shop based on the influence of friends, the lifestyle of consumers who buy a comfortable atmosphere and place, the hangout lifestyle, and updates on social media as their basis for visiting coffee shops.
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