Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains2024-12-30T07:08:33+00:00Sean Instituteeditorjournal@seaninstitute.or.idOpen Journal Systems<p align="justify"><strong>Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains</strong> is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal, that will be published two issues per year (anualy) by SEAN Institute. <strong>Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains</strong> exists to publish the results of scientific research in the area of basics,applied sciences, Health, Applied Health Science/ Medical Record and Computer Science. <strong>Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains</strong> is dedicated to increasing the depth of the subject across disciplines with the ultimate aim of expanding knowledge of the subject. Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains is an on-line and open access journal. Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains is fully committed to the open-access initiative and will provide free access to all articles as soon as they are published. Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains aims to publish papers of high quality and strives to promote scholarly debate across a broad international coverage of the subject in any of the areas covered by the journal.</p> Bayes Method In Sentiment Analysis Of Presidential Candidates For The 2024 Election Using Python 2024-06-18T09:22:49+00:00Raditia<p>The 2024 Election in Indonesia is an interesting topic for social media users. Social media has a big impact in building public political opinions, views, sentiments and preferences. Many political figures have been nominated for President based on public opinion. There are various opinions of media social users with negative, positive and neutral sentiments. However, determining the sentiment of social media users requires quite a lot of effort and time. The large number of incoming opinions regarding presidential election candidates encourages the need for methods that help to see public opinion effectively. Python is a programming language that can be used to answer these problems. By providing a standard library that is open source and has a wide range of applications in various fields. Classification will be carried out using the Naïve Bayes Classifier to determine the level of accuracy of the classification process carried out. Sentiment analysis in this research is a process carried out to find out what the results of sentiment analysis are regarding the public's response to the presidential candidates for the upcoming 2024 election and classify them into three classes using the Naïve Bayes method using Python. The results of this research showed that Python carried out sentiment analysis with the sentiment percentage results for candidate Anies Muhaimin with a positive class of 64.91%, neutral 28.07% and negative 7.02% with a Naïve Bayes accuracy value of 75%. For candidate Prabowo Gibran, the positive class is 12.38%, neutral 6.67% and negative 80.95% with a Naïve Bayes accuracy value of 81%. Meanwhile, the candidate Ganjar Mahfud has a positive class of 40%, neutral 50.67% and negative 9.33% with a Naïve Bayes accuracy value of 60%. So that we can identify public opinion about presidential candidates for the 2024 election using the Naïve Bayes method using Python.</p>2024-10-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains Protection for Consumers against Misleading Advertising According to the Perspective of the Laws in Force 2024-10-07T03:30:17+00:00Yuniar<p>Misleading advertising is an action that can harm consumers, both financially and psychologically, because the information conveyed is not in accordance with the facts or misleads public perception. Based on Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, consumers have the right to obtain correct, clear, and honest information regarding the conditions and guarantees of the goods and/or services purchased. This study aims to analyze legal protection for consumers who are victims of misleading advertising (misleading This study uses a normative legal method with a legal approach (advertising) according to the perspective of the applicable laws and regulations in Indonesia. The results of the study indicate that legal protection for consumers from misleading advertisements in Indonesia is regulated by various laws, such as Law No. 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, Law No. 32 of 2002 concerning Broadcasting, and Law No. 40 of 1999 concerning the Press. However, although there are regulations prohibiting the dissemination of misleading information, the main challenge in its implementation lies in the fragmentation of regulations spread across various laws that are often unsynchronized and less detailed in providing sanctions. This makes the application of the rules inconsistent, so that business actors can take advantage of legal loopholes to spread inaccurate advertisements. Weak law enforcement by related institutions such as the National Consumer Protection Agency and the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission, as well as the lack of coordination between institutions, worsen the situation. In addition, low consumer legal awareness makes them less aware of their rights, so that misleading advertising practices continue without much challenge. The development of digital technology also adds to the complexity of supervision because advertisements are now distributed more widely and quickly through online platforms, which are not always easy to monitor by traditional regulators.</p>2024-10-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Of Handcycle Design And Engineering Using The VDI 2221 Method Through An Anthropometric Approach For The Disabled2024-09-21T17:56:37+00:00Arifiansah Arifiansaharifiansahhanapi@gmail.comSahrul<p>People with disabilities are people who experience physical limitations either due to birth or accidents and so on, causing difficulty in walking and other activities. One of the obstacles for them is the existence of transportation to do work or just for daily mobility. And one solution to help people with disabilities in doing daily activities is a handcycle. Handcycle is driven by the arms, not the legs. Handcycle is generally used by people with disabilities who have limitations in using their legs. The research activity aims to produce a handcycle product that is friendly to people with disabilities with an anthropometric aspect approach where the bicycle can be moved either manually or electrically. The position of the seat and steering system can be adjusted according to needs. The seat arrangement (adjustable chair) and steering wheel arrangement (adjustable steering wheel) need to be planned in order to provide a sense of security and comfort to the user. The creation of this bicycle product design begins with identifying customer needs, designing a design concept, designing a shape, designing details and making the product. Where Product Design using the VDI 2221 method. A design method that uses a systematic approach to designing products and engineering systems. Through testing of handcycle products carried out by 2 people (users) with disabilities, it shows that users can adjust the distance of the body with the electric steering system and manual steering by adjusting the distance between the seat and steering wheel. The distance between the seat and the electric steering wheel is 726 - 838 (mm), the distance between the seat and manual steering wheel is 675 - 785 (mm), the height of the seat from the floor is 550 - 700 (mm) with a vehicle speed of 25 km/h if using an electric motor.</p>2024-10-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains And Antioxidant Activity Test Of Graptophyllum Pictum L. Griff Var. Viride Leaf Extract2024-11-06T04:20:27+00:00Desi Fajriantidesifajrianti14@gmail.comChaidir<p>Flavonoids are one of the compounds that are effective as antioxidants and function to protect against exposure to free radicals. One of the plants that contain flavonoid compounds is the leaves of Graptophyllum pictum L. Griff Var. viride. This study was conducted to determine phytochemical screening, total flavonoids, total phenolics, and antioxidant activity analysis contained in the leaves of Graptophyllum pictum L.Griff Var. viride. This type of research is an experimental exploratory research. Extraction by multistage maceration using three solvents namely N-Hexan, ethyl acetate and 96% ethanol, antioxidant activity test with DPPH method, total flavonoid test using aluminum chloride colorimetric assay method, and total ph enol test using Folin-Ciocalteu method from Graptophyllum pictum L .Griff Var. viride leaves. The results of extraction with 400 g of Graptophyllum pictum L. Griff Var. viride leaf simplicia with N-Hexan, ethyl acetate, 96% ethanol respectively produced 4.5 g, 3.9 g, and 41.5 g of thick extract. The IC 50 values of N-Hexan, ethyl acetate, and ethanol extracts were 317.70 µg/mL, 227.30 µg/mL and 231.86 µg/mL, respectively. The total flavonoid content of N-Hexan, ethyl acetate, and ethanol extracts were 8.03; 55.52; 25.61mg quercetin equivalents/g extract, respectively. The total phenol content of N-Hexan, ethyl acetate, and ethanol extracts were 19,164; 16,135; 27,251 mg GAE/g extract, respectively.</p>2024-11-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Role Of Human Resource Management In Organizations2024-11-06T04:26:13+00:00Ading Rahman<p>Human resources (HR) that play a role as the core of development. HR management addresses various management issues, ensuring effective use of HR through organizational systems. Overall, HR management is vital to achieving corporate goals. Human Resources in macro terms refer to the number of people in a country, but currently focus more on employees of an organization. HR includes individuals with skills and mental and physical strength, which are important in the development process of countries, companies, and organizations. Research methods involve statistical analysis, budgeting, innovation, and computer modeling to ensure that human resource planning is in accordance with institutional needs. Qualitative research is used to describe, explain, and analyze human resource phenomena, focusing on human attributes in business. Human resource adequacy also involves motivational factors, salary, and workplace comfort, as well as psychological contracts between individuals and organizations.</p>2024-11-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Of Financial Management Of Simpang Sari Village, Sumber Jaya District, West Lampung Regency2024-10-28T10:25:31+00:00Sukrul Satirmanudinsukrulsatir9@gmail.comAndy Corry Wardhaniandycorrw@gmail.comAgus Susanto<p>The village government is required to prepare a report on the realisation of the implementation of the Village Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APB) and the Accountability Report. The preparation of financial reports carried out by Simpang Sari village officials. In the preparation of financial reports carried out by Simpang Sari village officials, there are differences in the data presented, financial information is not transparent and difficult to understand by the public, so that village financial reports become less accurate or cannot be presented properly, the presentation of village financial reports is often not in accordance with correct accounting principles so that it is difficult to understand budget fluctuations and finally weak supervision. This study aims to determine the implementation of financial management of the Simpang Sari village fund, Sumberjaya District, West Lampung Regency. This research is a descriptive qualitative research with a policy implementation theory approach, which was conducted in Simpang Sari Village, West Lampung District. The results of the study can be concluded that the implementation of financial management of Simpang Sari Village, Sumber Jaya Subdistrict, West Lampung Regency can be explained by the village apparatus has carried out financial management procedures with accountability and transparency referring to Permendagri Number 20 of 2018. The financial management has also been realised in the form of public policy programs.</p>2024-11-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains Architecture Using TOGAF ADM to Support Smart Campus at STAI Raudhatul Akmal2024-11-07T22:15:57+00:00Rizky Rinaldirizkyrinaldi055@gmail.comKhairul Farta Wijayarianfartawijaya@gmail.comDarmeli Putera Utama<p>The development of an academic information system to support the Smart Campus concept at STAI Raudhatul Akmal requires an effective enterprise architecture approach. This study adopts the TOGAF ADM method to design an enterprise architecture that can accommodate evolving academic and technological needs. The focus is on applying TOGAF ADM to analyze academic business processes and develop an integrated system implementation plan. Primary data sources include analyses of academic business processes at STAI Raudhatul Akmal, covering student admissions, teaching and learning, research, community service, graduation, and alumni services. Using TOGAF ADM’s eight phases—including vision architecture, business architecture, information system architecture, technology architecture, and change management—this study aims to develop a blueprint aligned with institutional needs. The analysis results indicate that the architectural blueprint includes a web-based information system, e-learning system, online grading system, and library system. The technology design covers network infrastructure and servers. The implementation governance and change management phases highlight the importance of systematic change management to ensure a smooth transition. This study recommends assessing institutional readiness and implementing all aspects of TOGAF ADM for a comprehensive design to effectively support the Smart Campus implementation at STAI Raudhatul Akmal.</p>2024-11-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains Support System For Selecting Rental Houses Using The Simple Additive Weighting Method (Case Study: Bojong Indah Village)2024-11-05T15:22:20+00:00Sri Rama<p>The The development of housing is currently growing quite rapidly, one of which is rented houses, the increasing population growth in Bojong Indah Village has caused the need for housing to continue to increase. Families in Bojong Indah Village are not only native residents, but there are also newcomers. Newcomers and local families need a place to live, such as housing, apartments, and rented houses. However, limited costs are often one of the reasons for not buying a house or apartment. So that rented houses become an alternative choice for the community. In selecting this rented house, the author determines his own criteria in selecting it, namely price, space, distance to the market, security, and parking space. The use of the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method in a decision support system is a problem-solving path that can handle this problem, where tenants will feel relieved by the existence of this decision support system by providing suggestions for rented houses that match the criteria quickly by inputting the criteria desired by the user. So that at the end of the process, the user will get a list of recommendations for recommended rented houses based on their input criteria.</p>2024-11-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains Recognition Using Backpropagation Algorithm (Supervised Learning)2024-11-15T06:15:20+00:00Nelson Nainggolanlppmlp3m@yahoo.comEliasta Seven<p>Image processing plays a pretty important role. Much research has been carried out on image objects, where information from images can contribute to and benefit education, technological innovation, and information management. The face is a marker of recognizing someone. Facial recognition systems have difficulty with different facial orientations, lighting, haircuts, mustaches or beards, glasses, permanent blemishes or scars, and differences in conditions such as the person turning slightly, looking down, or looking up. The research aims to carry out digital image processing, specifically the process of scaling, grayscale, edge detection, and thresholding the image of a person's face as input. This research is crucial because image processing, especially facial recognition, is essential in health, education, economics, and security. The research uses the Artificial Neural Network method. Artificial Neural Networks are information processing systems designed to imitate how the human brain works in solving a problem by learning by changing the synapse weights. Research results in facial recognition using backpropagation show high accuracy and a fast average time. The suitability level of the recognition results depends on the combination of parameter values used in the learning process. The greater the epoch (repetition), the greater the learning rate; the smaller the error, the higher the known level.</p>2024-11-18T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains Information Vacancy Work In Palembang City Based On Codeingiter Framework2024-11-20T03:20:51+00:00Muhammad Fauzan Ar-raafiarrafifauzan2003@gmail.comDedi<p>The rapid development of information technology has encouraged various sectors, including the world of work, to adapt to more modern and efficient systems. Accurate data management and the use of technology such as computers are now a must, especially amidst the demands of globalization and economic dynamics. In this context, websites emerge as relevant media for conveying information, including job vacancies. Currently, the challenges in finding jobs and meeting workforce needs are major problems experienced by many levels of society. Although the recruitment process has been digitized, there is still a gap between the number of vacancies available and qualified job seekers. To overcome this obstacle, the development of a web-based job vacancy information system is considered an effective solution. This system accelerates the dissemination of job vacancy information and facilitates access for job seekers and companies in the recruitment process. This study uses direct observation methods at the Palembang Multipurpose Building and literature studies from various literature for system development. This system is designed using the SDLC model, including the Waterfall and Agile methods, which ensure a structured and flexible development process. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of a web-based job vacancy information system can improve recruitment efficiency, provide wider access for job seekers in Palembang, and help companies get suitable candidates. This system is expected to be an effective means of connecting applicants with job opportunities more easily, quickly and efficiently.</p>2024-11-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains Support System For Determining The Best Lecturers And Students In The Information Technology Study Program, UM Palembang Using The Multi Attribute Utility Theory Method2024-11-09T07:09:31+00:00Apriansyah Alfatur<p>Evaluation of lecturer performance and student achievement is an important step to maintain academic quality in higher education. The Information Technology Study Program at Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang requires an efficient and objective system to select the best lecturers and students, considering their role in improving academic quality and institutional reputation. This study aims to develop a technology-based decision support system (DSS) to improve the automation and accuracy of the selection process. Using the Multi Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) method, various assessment criteria are processed into standardized scores, allowing for objective assessment of lecturers and students. The Rapid Application Development (RAD) method is used in system development to ensure the process is fast and effective. This system is designed using various modeling diagrams, such as flowcharts, use case diagrams, and class diagrams, to ensure a clear, structured, and easily understood workflow for users, including administration and academics.The test results show that this system facilitates the selection process, reduces processing time, and minimizes errors that often occur in manual assessments. In addition, this system increases the transparency of assessments, provides objective, accurate, and accountable results, and encourages healthy competition among lecturers and students. The success of this implementation is expected to become a standard for periodic assessment in higher education. In addition, this system has the potential to be developed into a web-based application, which allows wider access for the entire academic community and increases the accessibility and effectiveness of the selection process in the future.</p>2024-11-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains Of Superstructure Damage In School Buildings In Nusa Penida Bali Using YOLO V72024-11-25T23:36:50+00:00Anak Agung Gede Oka Kessawa Gede Indra Bagus Andhika Nyoman Darma<p>Structural damage in school buildings poses significant risks to safety and education quality, particularly in remote areas with limited maintenance resources. This study develops a YOLOv7-based model to detect building pillars and classify structural damages, focusing on school buildings in Nusa Penida, Bali. A dataset of 156 images, derived from an initial 521 images collected during field visits, was curated to include both damaged and intact pillars. Preprocessing and augmentation techniques, including resizing and rotation, were applied to optimize the dataset. Training was conducted over 55 epochs using Google Colab with a T4 GPU, incorporating parameter tuning to address dataset imbalance. Confidence thresholds were set at 0.7 for pillars and 0.2 for rebar detection to enhance sensitivity to underrepresented damage classes. Evaluation metrics, including the F1-score and confusion matrix, confirmed the model’s accuracy and robustness in detecting and classifying structural damages. The results demonstrate the model's potential for real-world applications in damage assessment, particularly in resource-limited settings. Future research should focus on expanding datasets, incorporating multi-class classification, and integrating real-time detection and drone-based imagery to enhance scalability and efficiency. This work contributes to developing efficient, AI-driven solutions for structural health monitoring in critical infrastructure.</p>2024-11-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains Android-Based Snack Food Production Management Information System (A Case Studi Of Mirasa Gendhis Sriyanti Tape Candy Factory)2024-11-18T09:48:09+00:00Niken Titinikentiti5642@gmail.comFarida<p>The snack industry, including the Mirasa Gendis Sriyanti Candy Factory in Magelang, faces various operational issues such as ineffective stock control, overproduction risks, and discrepancies between production processes and market demand. These challenges often lead to excess stock, inefficient costs, and financial losses. As a small business, the factory needs to adopt modern technological solutions to improve operational efficiency, particularly in production and inventory management. This study focuses on developing a mobile-based Production Management Information System called Sweet Candy for the factory. The application utilizes Firebase as its backend for real-time data storage, facilitating efficient management of production, scheduling, inventory, and reporting tasks. The system is built using Android Studio and Kotlin, offering features such as input for production requests, scheduling, and monthly reporting. Black box testing confirmed that the application meets the necessary requirements and performs as expected. This study contributes to the digitalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by presenting an innovative approach to production management.</p>2024-12-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains Utilization Of Sunlight As An Alternative Energy To Support Energy Independence In Pematang Serai Village2024-12-06T08:11:05+00:00Zuraidah Arnita0000@gmail.comDwi Permatasari Barus0000@gmail.comJones<p>The utilization of renewable energy (RE) is a crucial solution to reduce dependence on depleting fossil fuels that negatively impact the environment. One of the most promising RE sources is solar energy, given Indonesia's tropical climate and abundant sunlight. This study aims to educate and raise awareness among the community of Pematang Serai Village, Langkat Regency, about using solar energy as an environmentally friendly alternative to support energy independence. The methods applied include field observation, public education through lectures and discussions, and a simulation of a simple solar power plant (PLTS) installation. The findings indicate high community enthusiasm for understanding the concept of solar energy and its technological applications. The simulation suggested the need for three 100 Wp solar panels, four 12V 75 Ah batteries, a 1500 Watt inverter, and a 20 Ampere solar charge controller to power a 286-Watt water pump for five hours. This program successfully raised community awareness of the importance of transitioning to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources. Additionally, it aligns with the government's effort to achieve a 23% national energy mix target by 2025. With abundant solar energy potential, Pematang Serai Village has significant opportunities to become an energy-independent village through the implementation of solar power technology.</p>2024-12-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 of Student Achievement with K-Means on Socioeconomic, Behavioral, and Psychological Factors2024-12-10T06:00:40+00:00Muhammad Pardingotan Sipayung0000@gmail.comAlex Rikki Sinaga0000@gmail.comPaska Marto<p>This study aims to analyze students' academic achievement based on socio-economic, behavioral, and psychological factors using the K-Means clustering method. The data used include various variables such as family income, internet access, learning motivation, stress levels, and student attendance. The results of the analysis show that students can be grouped into three different clusters: Cluster 1 consists of students with good socio-economic backgrounds, high motivation, and better academic achievement; Cluster 2 shows students with higher levels of stress that affect their achievement even though they have adequate access to education; and Cluster 3 reflects students from less supportive socio-economic backgrounds, with limited internet access and low study time, so their achievement is lower than other clusters. The Davies-Bouldin Index (DBI) calculation result of 0.63 shows a fairly good cluster separation. This analysis reveals that socio-economic factors have a significant impact on students' academic achievement, while psychological aspects such as motivation and stress levels also play an important role in determining learning success. Intervention programs focused on stress management and increasing access to education are recommended for students from Cluster 2 and Cluster 3 to improve their academic outcomes. This study provides insight into the importance of socio-economic and psychological factors in shaping students' academic achievement.</p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Influence of Organizational Culture and Big Data Analytics on Employee Performance Mediated by Organizational Support at PT XYZ Operating in the Consumer Goods Sales Industry2024-12-11T05:40:00+00:00Christine Febriana Sitoruschristinefebriana76@gmail.comYohana Cahya F. Palupi<p>This study investigates the influence of organizational culture and big data analytics on employee performance, with organizational support as a mediating variable. Conducted at PT XYZ, a company in the essential goods sales industry (including rice, eggs, fruits, and vegetables), the research involved 90 employees using a quantitative approach. Data collection utilized questionnaires with a 5-point Likert scale, and the analysis employed Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) to explore relationships among variables. The results revealed several key insights. First, big data analytics does not significantly organizational support, while organizational culture positively and significantly affects it. Second, organizational support does not significantly impact employee performance, but both big data analytics and organizational culture have direct positive effects on employee performance. Third, mediation testing showed that organizational support does not mediate the relationship between big data analytics and employee performance, nor between organizational culture and employee performance. Based on these findings, it is recommended that PT XYZ prioritize enhancing employee capabilities, particularly among leaders, in communication and collaboration, to better utilize company support, such as systems and big data analytics. Additionally, establishing a strong organizational culture can significantly boost employee performance by fostering a supportive and comfortable work environment. The study highlights the importance of integrating technology and culture to achieve organizational success.</p>2024-12-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains Model Using Machine Learning: Analysis Of Determinants Of Customer Churn At PT XYZ2024-12-13T06:31:43+00:00Riena Pribadi Gronlohrienapribadi@gmail.comHendra<p>This study aims to identify the factors influencing customer churn at PT XYZ, a B2B application-based company selling essential goods. Machine learning algorithms such as Random Forest and Logistic Regression were used to predict churn based on demographic and behavioral variables, including age, membership duration, monthly transaction averages, spending value, and product variety. Transaction data from January 2023 to August 2024 was analyzed to understand partner behavior patterns. The results indicate that the Random Forest algorithm provides more accurate predictions than Logistic Regression, based on evaluation metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and ROC-AUC. This study provides strategic insights for PT XYZ to reduce churn and maintain customer purchase retention through a data-driven approach.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Analysis of the Influence of Work Methods, Equipment and K3, and Land Affected by the Community on the Implementation of the Coastal Safety Development Project on the Coastal Jakarta Bay Phase 6 Package 42024-10-25T07:52:52+00:00Kurniawan Widhitomokurniawan.widhitomo@gmail.comMoh. Azharmohazhar62@gmail.comSri Kustoyo<p>DKI Jakarta Province and its surroundings often experience flood events. The causes of flooding include increased rainfall intensity, large-scale land conversion and insufficient river capacity to accommodate flood discharge. In addition, land subsiversion in several locations of Jakarta Beach caused a storm that inundated residential areas and other strategic areas. Related to that, the construction of embankments and the construction of coastal safety needs to be carried out. In the implementation of the work there are problems such as the working method of Equipment, K3, Social community and land, the four problems do affect the time of project implementation, the scope of this research is carried out in the project package 4 coastal safety of the capital and the project is still running. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of occupational safety risks, equipment, and the social influence of the community around the project on the implementation time. Meanwhile, data is taken either secondary (work reports or other literature, both secondary and primary).</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains Of CRISP-DM And Machine Learning In Residential Sales Decision Making In The Middle And Upper Middle Class At Pt XYZ2024-12-16T01:44:11+00:00Patrik Mario Agatapatrikmario16@gmail.comHendra<p>This study was conducted to predict the effect of monthly income on 6 other demographic variables. Research data was obtained through internal questionnaire data of PT XYZ involving 393 respondents of middle residential class and 47 respondents of upper middle residential class. Data collection done with a field questionnaire containing 6 demographic questions. The data was analyzed using the CRISP-DM integration method and the Random Forest analysis method. The results of this study state that middle-class residential targets with variables such as Monthly Expenditure and Age Group have a significant influence on Monthly Income and upper-middle-class residential targets with variables such as Age Group, Employment Status and Occupation have a significant influence on Monthly Income.</p>2024-12-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Analysis of Morphological Charteristics of Local Durian (Durio SPP)2024-12-16T10:40:21+00:00Hajar<p>The durian plant is a native Indonesian plant that produces fruit that is very popular with the public because of its distinctive taste, aroma and texture of the pulp. The high demand for superior durian fruit is a challenge because of the high variation in the quality of durian fruit. The meta-analysis of the morphological character of durian plants aims to provide an overview of the distribution of the morphological study of local durian plants. The research method was carried out by conducting research on the morphology of durian plants using the keyword google search engine by limiting it to journals written by Indonesians, selecting, and extracting related morphological parameters and analyzing them qualitatively. The results of the study showed that the morphology of durian fruit received the first priority, followed by durian leaves and seeds. Conclusion The morphology of local durian plants as a first step in finding superior durian seedlings still shows the diversity of measurements of morphological characteristics.</p>2024-12-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains and Energy Efficiency Analysis of Nanofluid-based Engine Cooling System2024-12-19T01:53:46+00:00Zulfan<p>This investigation is intended to examine the performance and energy-efficient characteristics of nanofluid-based engine cooling systems. A qualitative method was employed with a case study approach to investigate the application of nanofluids in industrial engine cooling systems. The data set was constructed through the use of in-depth interviews, direct observation, and the analysis of relevant technical documentation. The resulting findings indicated that the implementation of nanofluids has the potential to enhance the heat transfer capacity and energy efficiency of the cooling system, with improvements observed in comparison to the performance of conventional fluids. The effectiveness of the system is influenced by a number of factors, including the concentration of nanoparticles, the specific nanomaterial utilized, and the operational parameters. The insights gained from this investigation offer significant value for the advancement of nanofluid-based refrigeration technology</p>2024-12-19T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains Analysis and UI Development of iOS-Based Bali Calendar Application with Double Diamond Method2024-12-23T11:01:43+00:00I Gusti Ngurah Darma Luh Wina Sinta Wahyudi Oktavia Humaswara<p>The Bali Calendar iOS application is designed to make it easier for users to access information related to the traditional Balinese calendar, such as determining rahina. However, the current features of the application are not yet optimal. Based on reviews on the App Store, many users have suggested adding features such as searching for dewasa ayu, otonan, Tri Sandhya alarms and chants, panca sembah, and daily prayers. The purpose of this research is to understand user needs and design the interface of the Bali Calendar iOS application based on user feedback to improve user satisfaction. The research method used is the Double Diamond approach, which consists of two phases: the research phase and the design phase. Each phase comprises two stages. The research phase includes the discover and define stages, while the design phase encompasses the develop and deliver stages. The outcome of this research is a prototype design for the Bali Calendar iOS application, which will be tested by users. The prototype design is evaluated using concept testing to assess the concept and usability testing to evaluate the prototype design. The results of the usability testing achieved high scores, indicating that the design is satisfactory and effectively meets user needs.</p>2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains for Implementing @Asahpolapikir TikTok Account Content as a Learning Media for Students2024-12-20T11:36:50+00:00Jasen Kurniawanjasenpro2002@gmail.comHeru Wijayanto Aripradonojasenpro2002@gmail.comMuhammad<p>In this digital era social media has become an inseparable part. This can lead to various issues such as stress triggered by negative behaviors like body shaming and cyberbullying on social media, but social media TikTok can be utilized as an educational platform, particularly for enhancing media literacy and analytical skills. Through TikTok, students can explore various topics such as education, health, beauty and culinary arts. Additionally, TikTok serves as a platform for religious outreach, where professionals and the general public share knowledge through short videos. The focus of this research is the TikTok account @asahpolapikir, owned by Tjokro Wimantara who has built a strong personal brand through consistent content on education, business, entrepreneurship, and marketing strategies. With 2.1 million followers, @asahpolapikir won the TikTok Awards in the Best of Learning and Education category for its impactful content. This study adopts a qualitative approach using descriptive methods. The content posted by @asahpolapikir that garnered the most views and likes focuses on the challenges faced by undergraduate students in finding jobs and the importance of work experience. Additionally, the content about renting shop spaces for business purposes also received a high response, with 1.3k comments, due to its relevance to students interested in entrepreneurship. It can be concluded that the content strategy of the TikTok account @asahpolapikir prioritizes content with an educational approach, awareness of reality, and practical solutions, which are effective in capturing attention and increasing interaction on TikTok.</p>2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains Clustering Algorithm Analysis For Grouping Patient Medical Record Data Based On Disease Type2024-12-30T06:29:11+00:00Wina Auliawinaaulia397@gmail.comAndysah Putera Utama Siahaan0000@gmail.comLeni Marlina0000@gmail.comKhairul Khairul0000@gmail.comMuhammad<p>Dr. Tengku Mansyur Regional Hospital, Tanjungbalai City, still has difficulty in grouping the intensity of diseases that often occur in Tanjungbalai City, in the exact grouping based on the results of patient medical data records. Medical records are documents that record information about the patient's condition, medical history, and previous treatment filled in by health workers who provide care and treatment. Medical records function to provide health information for all health workers involved in patient care. The goal is to minimize the increase in the intensity of the disease experienced by patients by providing counseling and solutions to diseases that have high intensity. administration in an effort to improve health services in hospitals and also increase the supply of drugs according to the drugs needed. This study uses the Jupyter Notebook application based on Python and data mining methods, especially the K-Means Clustering algorithm, to analyze patient medical record data based on age, blood pressure and disease diagnosis. With the K-Means Clustering Algorithm, it can also minimize variation in one cluster and maximize variation between clusters. With the research, Cluster C1 is a disease that often occurs with high intensity and has 49 members, Cluster C2 is a disease that occurs with intensity. Cluster 2 has 28 members, while Cluster C3 is a disease that occurs with low intensity and has 23 members.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Of Course Distribution Scheduling For Lecturers Using Genetic Algorithms And Constraint Satisfaction Methods At Batam University2024-12-30T06:34:15+00:00Sony Putrasonnyputra@gmail.comMuhammad Iqbal0000@gmail.comAndysah Putera Utama<p>Optimal course scheduling is a significant challenge in university academic management, especially in allocating courses to lecturers efficiently. This study aims to analyze the application of Genetic Algorithm and Constraint Satisfaction Method in optimizing the scheduling of course distribution at Batam University. Genetic Algorithm is used to find the optimal solution through the evolution process, while the Constraint Satisfaction method is used to ensure that all scheduling constraints, such as the availability of lecturers, classrooms, and time, are met. This research method involves collecting data on course schedules, lecturer preferences, and classroom capacity. Furthermore, the implementation of the algorithm is carried out through computer simulations with population, mutation, and crossover parameters that are set to achieve the optimal solution. Based on the results of this study, the optimization achieved includes several important aspects. First, there were no schedule conflicts (zero conflicts) between courses, classrooms, and lecturers. Second, in terms of time efficiency, the automatic scheduling process runs faster than the manual method. Furthermore, the utilization of resources such as rooms and time has been used optimally, while the teaching load of lecturers is well distributed without any excess. Finally, constraint satisfaction has been achieved, where all constraints, such as no scheduling conflicts in space, lecturers, and time, have been successfully met.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Factor Affecting Construction Quality On Construction Projects In Central Java With Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method2024-12-30T07:08:33+00:00Ummi Chasanahfidyahyulie@gmail.comSoehartono<p>Improvement in project construction should follow increasing quality construction so that project construction can be interpreted as successful if the project construction is the appropriate time, cost, and quality by planning. Research This aims To identify possible factors that influence quality construction using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), especially in construction projects in Central Java. Using questionnaires and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) analysis for respondents who are experts in the construction sector, it was found that the factors that influence construction quality are money, materials, man, methods, and machines. Developing and implementing project construction: The project must already follow quality and proper construction quality in planning. Existence coordination and work are needed to carry out project construction so that quality construction is achieved by planning. Analysis with the AHP method is carried out for all respondents from each criterion, sub-criteria, and alternative, as well as to get a goal from quality construction. With Analysis of the Analytical Hierarchy Process, the results of each factor influencing construction quality from the highest to the lowest are man at 0.262, materials at 0.253, money at 0.231, methods at 0.142, and machines at 0.112.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains Of Food Price Analysis Dashboard In Jakarta2024-11-23T16:52:37+00:00Salim<p>This research discusses the fluctuation of food prices in Jakarta is a complex problem and requires accurate and real-time monitoring to support decision making by the government, traders, and consumers. This research aims to design an interactive dashboard that can effectively visualize food price data and present relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The dashboard is designed by integrating various data sources such as food prices in traditional markets, inflation rates, and price comparisons between regions in Jakarta using the Time Series Analysis method. The Time Series Analysis method is used to analyze data over time, which is a set of observation values obtained at different times with the same interval. Determining key KPIs, such as daily average price, percentage price change, and monthly fluctuation trend, is the main focus in this development. The dashboard was also designed with user experience and multi-platform accessibility in mind. The result of this research is a design that can demonstrate that the dashboard can assist stakeholders in monitoring food prices more efficiently and provide critical information needed for strategic decision-making related to price stability and food policy. With intuitive visualization and real-time data, the system is expected to be an important tool in supporting food security in Jakarta.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains To View Petroleum Import Comparison2024-11-23T16:51:28+00:00Axcel Lorensius<p>Petroleum is a strategic commodity with an important role in the economy, widely used in the transportation, industrial, and household sectors. In Indonesia, although there are petroleum reserves, domestic production is often insufficient to meet needs. Therefore, importing petroleum products is the main solution. Petroleum product import data covering the volume and value of various types of products is important for strategic decision making in the energy sector. This study aims to design a dashboard that can visualize import data for each petroleum product in real-time, interactively, and easily understood, thus facilitating analysis and supporting better strategic decisions. This dashboard helps users monitor import trends, compare data, and understand national energy needs. As a result, the dashboard is able to display import trends and comparisons interactively based on volume, value, product type, and specific time periods.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains