Analysis of the Development of Learning Models in Geography at Parulian 2 Private High School, Medan


  • Rosa Delima Lumbantungkup Pendidikan Geografi , Fakultas Ilmu Sosial , Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Widya Asmara Pendidikan Geografi , Fakultas Ilmu Sosial , Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Vivina Marpaung Pendidikan Geografi , Fakultas Ilmu Sosial , Universitas Negeri Medan


Innovative learning, geography, Inquiry Based Learning, Project Based Learning, student engagement.


This research analyze the application of innovative learning models in geography subject at Parulian 2 Private High School Medan, focusing on Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) and Project- Based Learning ( PjBL ) models . The results showed that both models were able to increase student engagement , with around 85% of students actively participating in the learning process . However , the implementation faces various challenges , such US limited facilities , teacher readiness , and limited learning time . Based on these findings , the research recommend improving facilities and teacher training to maximize the effectiveness of innovative learning models , US well US flexibility in choosing models that suits the needs of the materials .


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How to Cite

Rosa Delima Lumbantungkup, Widya Asmara, & Vivina Marpaung. (2024). Analysis of the Development of Learning Models in Geography at Parulian 2 Private High School, Medan. Jurnal Multidisiplin Sahombu, 4(02), 509–512. Retrieved from