The Role Of DSN Fatwa In Realizing Halal Product Guarantees In Indonesia Sharia Economic Review


  • Lutvi Insana Institut Syekh Abdul Halim Hasan Binjai
  • Azhahira Hafizha Amir Institut Syekh Abdul Halim Hasan Binjai
  • Abdul Halim Nasution Institut Syekh Abdul Halim Hasan Binjai


DSN Fatwa, Halal Guarantee, Sharia Economy


Study This aiming For analyze the role of DSN fatwas in realize guarantee halal products in Indonesia from perspective Islamic economics . The research method used is study studies library , research with technique data collection with method understand and learn theories from various literature like journals , articles , books and reports related . Research results show that the DSN fatwa has role strategic in increase awareness and compliance public to halal products , as well as support developer Indonesian economy . This fatwa also provides positive impact on the economy national through improvement consumption halal products and exports . Therefore that , work The same between government , industry and with society is very important For increase awareness and compliance to halal products .


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How to Cite

Lutvi Insana, Azhahira Hafizha Amir, & Abdul Halim Nasution. (2025). The Role Of DSN Fatwa In Realizing Halal Product Guarantees In Indonesia Sharia Economic Review. Fox Justi : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, 15(02), 140–149. Retrieved from

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