Justi : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum2024-12-07T11:00:53+00:00Sean Instituteeditorjournal@seaninstitute.or.idOpen Journal Systems<p>The Fox Justi : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum is a publication that is published every half-yearly and is intended as a forum for the exchange of ideas, studies and studies, as well as being a conduit of information, for the purpose of developing the development of legal science and those related to law in Indonesia. This publication contains scientific writings within the scope of business law from experts, academics, and practitioners. The writings are published after going through a review of bestari partners and editing by the editorial board without changing the substance of the subject matter. The writing in this publication is entirely the opinion and personal responsibility of the author and cannot be interpreted as reflecting the opinion of the Publisher. Fox Justi, an open-access journal, is blind peer-reviewed and published January and July every year. The journal accepts contributions in English/Indonesia (Preferably in English). Fox Justi : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum is providing scholars with the best, in theory, research, and methodology as well as providing a platform to professionals and academics to share their ideas, knowledge and findings. The main objective of this journal is to provide a channel for the publication of articles based on original research as well as commentaries on a range of areas including legal issues related to law.</p> In Conflict With The Law In Criminal Acts Of Sexual Violence2024-05-28T07:53:01+00:00Dewi Prawira Putridewiprawiraputri95@gmail.comHernawati<p>Sexual violence is a serious crime that violates human rights. Based on Law no. 12 of 2022 concerning Crimes of Sexual Violence, minors who commit crimes of sexual violence can still be resolved outside of court. Meanwhile, adult perpetrators must go through the process of inquiry, investigation and prosecution until they go to court. Meanwhile, from the research results obtained, cases of sexual violence committed by minors continue to increase every year and the cases are increasingly complex and diverse. Victims of criminal acts of sexual violence experience trauma, physical impacts, and ostracism in society so that nothing can be replaced, including perpetrators of sexual violence who are minors, so Law no. 12 of 2022 concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence, especially article 23, needs to be reviewed immediately considering that nowadays most minors can access the internet easily and supervision is less strict, thus affecting their sexual behavior. This is certainly detrimental to this nation because children are the nation's next generation in the future.</p>2024-05-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Protection Through Implementation Of Banking Governance2024-06-27T02:47:04+00:00Anak Agung Dewi Utaridewilaw@gmail.comNeni Imaniyatidewilaw7@gmail.comKartono<p>The number of banks closing is a phenomenon considering the role of banking in economic growth. GCG is the main requirement for banking existence in carrying out its intermediary function. This research aims to examine the relationship between contract balance and banking health and uses a normative juridical research form with a statutory regulation approach and a multidisciplinary approach involving the theory of economic analysis of laws and civil law and governance. The analysis emphasizes non-juridical research. The research results show that implementation of good corporate governance by prioritizing balanced contracts between the parties. The position of banking institutions can continue to be maintained if supervision from the OJK institution and the implementation of good governance based on applicable regulations run as they should. So far, many banks have gone bankrupt due to fraud and mismanagement, especially in corporate governance, even though the OJK has tried to restore banking health. Imbalance in contracts is also a form of bank non-transparency in contracts with customers, resulting in high NPLs that can affect the liquidity risk of bank financial institutions</p>2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Fox Justi : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Shift Of Limited Liability Company Post Job Creation Law2024-09-02T16:25:12+00:00Agung<p>The limited liability company law in Indonesia has undergone substantial modifications due to Law Number 11 of 2020 on Job Creation. One important development is the introduction of the idea of an individual limited liability company. The previous model of PT as a capital partnership has been replaced by this new model, which allows its formation by an individual. As a capital partnership, the Limited Liability Company faces a paradigm shift with the enactment of the Job Creation Law. The question is, how will this transition occur? How will this change in thinking affect the level of certainty that stakeholders, including business actors, have in the law? Conceptual and statutory approaches are used in this research as part of the normative legal research process. The research findings show that the paradigm shift of the PT has far-reaching consequences for several areas of corporate law, including limited liability, segregation of wealth, and corporate governance. There are theoretical and practical barriers to formally establishing micro and small businesses that the amendment seeks to remove. To maintain the consistency of the entire PT legal system, it is necessary to harmonize the Job Creation Law, UUPT, and other implementing regulations.</p>2024-09-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Fox Justi : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Analysis Of Handling Beggers And Budgets In East Jakarta2024-12-07T10:58:44+00:00Nurmala Sari0000@gmail.comArdiansyah<p>Handling beggars and homeless people in East Jakarta is one of the policy focuses implemented by the East Jakarta Social Service in an effort to create social welfare for the community. Even though various policies and programs have been implemented, the problem of beggars and homelessness remains a serious challenge for local governments. This research aims to analyze provisions for dealing with the problems of beggars and homelessness, as well as assessing the effectiveness, challenges and impact of these policies. The formulation of the problem is: What are the legal regulations for dealing with beggars and homeless people? And what is the evaluation and monitoring mechanism for the implementation of these regulations? The research results show that the East Jakarta Social Service's policies tend to focus more on short-term control and pay less attention to long-term empowerment aspects for the individuals involved. Therefore, the recommendations from this research include the need for more comprehensive policies, with a more humane approach and based on socio-economic empowerment, as well as increased collaboration between institutions to deal with this problem more holistically.</p>2024-12-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sanctions Against Members Of The District Election Committee (PPK) Who Commit Election Crimes2024-12-07T11:00:53+00:00Mariana Harahap0000@gmail.comMarjan<p>In the context of elections as an implementation of people's sovereignty, election law enforcement is interpreted as a situation where mechanisms are available to safeguard the people's right to vote. So that the electoral justice system is expected to be able to guarantee everyone's right to file a complaint if the party concerned feels disadvantaged as a result of certain actions being taken or not taken by the organizers or parties involved in the election. There were violations committed by members of the District Election Committee (PPK) whose case was decided by the Makassar High Court Number 492/PID.S.PEMILU/2024/PT MKS. The formulation of the problem discussed is: 1) What are the legal sanctions against PPK members who are proven to have changed the recapitulation of vote results from the election? and 2) What is the analysis of the Decision of the Makassar High Court Number 492/PID.S/PEMILU/2024/PT MKS regarding members of the District Election Committee which changed the recapitulation of the results of the calculation of votes in the election? The research method used is a normative juridical method, namely research that prioritizes library data, namely research on secondary data. Secondary data can be in the form of primary, secondary or tertiary legal materials. Based on the results of the research, the author concludes that legal sanctions against PPK members who are proven to have changed the recapitulation of vote results from the election, can be sentenced to prison as proven in the decision of the Makassar High Court Number 492/PID.S/PEMILU/2024/PT MKS which gave the verdict to the defendant DZUL FIQRI Alis ZUL Bin SABER TUPPU mentioned above, was legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing the crime of "PPK Member Who Deliberately Causes Change Minutes of Recapitulation of Vote Counting Results"</p>2024-12-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024