Value Administrative Information System (SIADINSoft)
System, administration, value, SIADINSoftAbstract
To increase efficiency and effectiveness in the value processing process at SMA Negeri 1 Kartasura, it is necessary to have a system that supports the process. For this reason, the author makes a value administration information system that is expected to facilitate the process. In making an information system, it is necessary to carry out several methodological steps including: data collection, system creation, implementation and evaluation, system design, database design, form design, and finally making system applications. To create a value administration system application, several stages need to be carried out, including: preparing hardware and software that can support the system, creating a hierarchy of input and output processes, making flowcharts for each application, entering scripts, and finally testing the program.8, while for photo editing using Adobe Photoshop CS2 and ACDSee 8.
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