Identification Of Carbohydrate, Protein And Fat Levels In Flour, Cheese, Milk And Yoghurt Through Several Test Methods
carbohydrates, proteins, fatsAbstract
Food is incoming substance to in body human and processed in a manner chemical and biological like carbohydrates , proteins, and fats. each of third substance this have very important role for body . Carbohydrate useful as one source energy , increase the sweet taste , regulate the process of glucose blood , and can solve fatty acids. Proteins play a role in metabolic processes , catalysts enzymatic , antibody , and carrier signal in a manner biological . Useful fat as warmer body , adjustment with change temperature , and protect body from crash . For knowing how much many content of fat , protein, and carbohydrates contained in a food or drink so need done testing in a manner qualitative and quantitative , testing this depending on the sample being tested and the effect temperature nor ingredient standard used . The purpose of the literature review is to determine and compare the levels of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in samples of flour, milk, cheese and yogurt through various test methods.
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