Relationship Between Age And Work With Nutritional Status Of Wus In Polosari Karangasem Karanganyar Village
Age, Occupation,, Nutritional Status, Age Woman FertileAbstract
Indonesia experienced burden double problem nutrition that is nutrition not enough Not yet fully overcome , however nutrition more Already showing improvement . Problem nutrition double (double burden) can become problem at all group age Good it's in the village as well as in town . nutrition is one factor decisive importance level health and welfare human. Work and age Also can affect nutritional status . U sia is also related with obesity Where enhancement age cause metabolism body decrease so that happen change biological that is decline function muscle and increased body fat . Data age with nutritional status distributed not normal then using Spearman's Rank tes . Test it used For analyze connection age with WUS nutritional status . Fisher Exact Test used For analyze connection work with the nutritional status of WUS in Polosari Karangasem Karanganyar Hamlet Research This use design cross sectional . Sample in study This is an Aged Woman Subur (WUS) as many as 50 people . Research results This is No There is connection age with WUS nutritional status (p = 0.995) and not There is connection age with WUS nutritional status (p=0.142).
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