Community Knowledge and Experience in the First Aid of Burns: A Qualitative Study
Burns, Knowledge, Experience, CommunityAbstract
Burns are still a very serious concern so they require immediate treatment. This research is a qualitative research with phenomenological design. Participants in this study amounted to 10 people. The selection of informants for this study used the Purposive Sampling technique. Data collection in this study was carried out through in-depth interview methods, and observation or observation. In-depth interviews use semi-structured questions. The interview is equipped with field notes that serve to identify non-verbal responses and situations during the interview process with informants. The results of this study obtained two themes, namely public knowledge about burns with sub-categories, and knowledge and first treatment of burns. Public knowledge about burns is still general. Society defines burns as injuries caused by fire, hot water, electrical short circuits and skin blisters. The handling of burns carried out by the community is using traditional methods obtained from their respective experiences. The first treatment carried out by the community was by giving toothpaste, honey, aloe vera (aloe vera), and running water
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