The Relationship Of Narcistic Personality Trends With Mastrubation In Adolescent Boys In Junior High School 5 Sibolga In 2021


  • Lilis Novitarum Program Studi Keperawatan, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Santa Elisabeth, Medan, Indonesia
  • Ance Siallagan Program Studi Keperawatan, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Santa Elisabeth, Medan, Indonesia
  • Reni Lestari Program Studi Keperawatan, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Santa Elisabeth, Medan, Indonesia


Narcissistic personality, masturbation, adolescent


Background : Masturbation is very common among teenagers. Masturbation is
influenced by growth development factors of reproductive organs that occur in
adolescents. In addition, it is also heavily influenced by external factors such as
magazines, films, and others that smell pornographic. Masturbation can be done
quickly, anywhere as long as there is privacy, and whenever teenagers want it. The
narcissistic level will affect the process of thinking and behaving. The emergence
of self-esteem makes teenagers not easily careless to take actions that can lower
their self-confidence and can control their sexual behavior. Methods: This study
used a correlation research research design with a cross sectional design. The
sampling technique was purposive sampling technique as many as 92 3rd grade
students at SMP Negeri 5 Sibolga. Results: The results showed that the tendency
of male adolescent narcissistic personality was high (80.4%), masturbation in male
adolescents was high (93.5%). Based on the results of the fisher exact alternative
statistical test, p-value = 0.001 where (p<0.05), so Ha is accepted, it means that
there is a relationship between narcissistic personality tendencies and masturbation
in adolescent boys at SMP Negeri 5 Sibolga in 2021 Conclusion: This study It is
hoped that the next researcher will be able to increase knowledge and insight about
narcissistic personality with masturbation because the results of narcissism with
high masturbation are then carried out interventions to reduce the masturbation
behavior masturbation in adolescent boys is high (93.5%). Based on the results of
the fisher exact alternative statistical test, p-value = 0.001 where (p<0.05), so Ha is
accepted, it means that there is a relationship between narcissistic personality
tendencies and masturbation in adolescent boys at SMP Negeri 5 Sibolga in 2021
Conclusion: This study It is hoped that the next researcher will be able to increase
knowledge and insight about narcissistic personality with masturbation because
the results of narcissism with high masturbation are then carried out interventions
to reduce the masturbation behavior masturbation in adolescent boys is high
(93.5%). Based on the results of the fisher exact alternative statistical test, p-value
= 0.001 where (p<0.05), so Ha is accepted, it means that there is a relationship
between narcissistic personality tendencies and masturbation in adolescent boys at
SMP Negeri 5 Sibolga in 2021 Conclusion: This study It is hoped that the next
researcher will be able to increase knowledge and insight about narcissistic
personality with masturbation because the results of narcissism with high
masturbation are then carried out interventions to reduce the masturbation



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How to Cite

Lilis Novitarum, Ance Siallagan, & Reni Lestari. (2022). The Relationship Of Narcistic Personality Trends With Mastrubation In Adolescent Boys In Junior High School 5 Sibolga In 2021. Jurnal EduHealth, 13(01), 96–103. Retrieved from

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