Self-efficacy and support from family self-care for individuals with high blood pressure


  • Lucia Andi Chrismilasari STIKES Suaka Insan, Banjarmasin-Indonesia
  • Septi Machelia Champaca Nursery STIKES Suaka Insan, Banjarmasin-Indonesia
  • Candra Kusuma Negara Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya-Indonesia


Family support, Hypertension, Self-Efficacy, Self-Management


Hypertension is an abnormal and ongoing rise in blood pressure recorded more than once. The purpose of this study is to ascertain how family support and self-efficacy in managing one's hypertension relate to one another. This study used a cross-sectional research design with 245 participants. According to the study, those with high self-efficacy also typically had effective self-management (64.2 %). Regarding poor self-management, the dominant group is less adept at it (57.2 %). The dominant person in the excellent family support variable exhibits good self-management (61.1 %). Less family support results in poorer self-management for the dominating group (57.1 %). According to the chi-square test results, self-efficacy (p-value=0.006) and family support (p-value=0.001) are connected to self-management. In conclusion, patients with hypertension tend to control their condition better themselves if they have strong self-efficacy and family support.


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How to Cite

Chrismilasari, L. A., Nursery, S. M. C., & Candra Kusuma Negara. (2024). Self-efficacy and support from family self-care for individuals with high blood pressure. Jurnal EduHealth, 15(01), 53–60. Retrieved from