Antibacterial activity and diabetic wound therapy of topical preparations of polyherbal combination extracts in vitro
Antibacterial, Diabetic Wounds, Polyherbal Combination ExtractAbstract
Glucose metabolic disorders in cases of diabetes mellitus (DM) will affect other body metabolism, such as carbohydrate, protein, fat and water metabolism and cause cellular damage to several body tissues.. This research aims to determine the antibacterial activity test in vitro using aerobic bacteria ( S. aureus and P. aeruginosa) based on the MIC value shown in the polyherbal formulation. Then a topical test was carried out on white mice which had previously been induced by STZ-NA with complications of diabetic ulcers characterized by wounds on the mice's backs. The samples used in this research were noni fruit simplicia, insulin leaves, turmeric, aloe vera and honey. Polyherbal plants that are still fresh and complete are determined at BBPPTOOT Tawangmangu, Kab. Karanganyar, Central Java. This research was carried out in-vitro and was a laboratory experiment. The polyherbal ethanol extract obtained was then tested for antibacterial activity against S. aureus and P. aeruginosa at several concentrations (20% and 50%). The test results showed that the concentration that had the most active MIC value was a concentration of 20% of the diameter of the best inhibitory zone, namely honey extract, noni fruit, insulin leaves, turmeric rhizomes, while at a concentration of 50% the diameter of the best inhibitory zone, namely aloe vera. From these results a new formulation series was created, expressed as F1. F1 was then replicated 3 times to get the best antibacterial activity results. From the replication results, the polyherbal formulation had inhibitory power due to the presence of a clear zone around the well. Diameter antibacterial zone of inhibition against Staphylococcus aureus has an inhibition zone diameter of 14.4 mm and Pseudomonas auroginosa has an inhibition zone diameter of 11.67 mm. From this research it was found that the polyherbal formulation hadactive antibacterial activity in inhibiting Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas auroginosa. These results are continued to determine the healing activity of diabetic ulcers. The activity test used Wistar male white rats which were grouped into 10 groups with each group consisting of 5 rats. Rats were induced with STZ at 45 mg/kgBW and NA 110 mg/kgBW, until the rat's blood sugar level was > 250 mg/dL. Measurement of rat blood sugar levels using the GOD-PAP method. The mice were left for 3 weeks until nephropathy occurred, after which the mice's backs were injured using a biopsy punch with a diameter of ± 4 mm.
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