Characteristics of anorectal malformations


  • Masitha Masitha Program Studi Pendidikan Profesi Dokter Umum Fakultas Kedokteran UMI
  • Haidir Bima Dokter Pendidik Klinik Departemen Bedah RSUD Haji Makassar
  • Akhmad Kadir Dokter Pendidik Klinik Departemen Anak RSUD Kota Makassar


Malformasi Anorektal


Anorectal malformation is a congenital abnormality that shows a condition without an anus or with an imperfect anus. Anorectal malformation is a common congenital problem that occurs in 1 in 5,000 births. Anorectal malformation is a classification where anorectal malformations are divided into high and low locations, as well as whether or not a colostomy is necessary. Anamesis and physical examination are very important in establishing a diagnosis of anorectal malformations. Plain radiographs of the lumbar spine and sacrum should be taken to evaluate the hemivertebrae and sacruml spine. Generally, low-lying malformations can be corrected directly with Posterior Sagitttal Anorectoplasty (PSARP) or anoplasty, while high-lying malformations require 3 stages of surgery, including the creation of a temporary colostomy. A colostomy is needed for decompression and protection against the possibility of intestinal obstruction.


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How to Cite

Masitha, M., Haidir Bima, & Akhmad Kadir. (2024). Characteristics of anorectal malformations. Jurnal EduHealth, 15(01), 685–693. Retrieved from