Efforts To Improve Public Awareness Of Occupational Safety And Health (K3) In The Plantation Sector: A Case Study Of Melon Plantations In Lamongan
Efforts, Public Awareness, Occupational Safety and Health (K3), Plantation Sector, Melon PlantationsAbstract
Occupational Safety and Health (OHS) is an important aspect that must be implemented in the plantation sector which has a high risk of accidents, including in melon plantations in Lamongan Regency. This study aims to increase awareness and understanding of farmers and workers regarding the implementation of OHS through a community service program with a qualitative approach based on case studies. The activities were carried out in two stages, namely preparation and implementation, which involved collecting information about working conditions and training in the form of socialization, interactive discussions, demonstrations of the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and direct practice in the field. The results showed a significant increase in participants' understanding and awareness of the importance of OHS, which was reflected in their enthusiasm in participating in the activities and their commitment to implementing OHS standards. Support from the village government and community leaders strengthened the sustainability of this program. This study concluded that a participatory approach with case studies was effective in increasing OHS awareness in the plantation sector and could be replicated in other agricultural sectors.
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