Jurnal EduHealth 2024-11-28T14:27:51+00:00 Sean Institute Open Journal Systems <p>The Jurnal EduHealth contains articles based on research results or equivalent in the health field. The research includes research related to the community environment as well as to the general public. Articles published in this journal have never been published/published by other media. with focus</p> <ol> <li>Medical education</li> <li>Public Health Science</li> <li>Environmental Health and Sanitation.</li> <li>Health Information System</li> <li>Pharmaceutical Technology</li> <li>Pharmacology and Toxicology</li> <li>midwifery</li> <li>Nursing Education</li> <li>Clinical Practice</li> <li>Community Health Care</li> <li>Management and Health System</li> </ol> <p>We are proud to announce the Accredited Jurnal Edu Health “<strong>Rank 5” (Rank 5)</strong> with Notification Number <strong>0385/E5.3/KI.02.00 /2022,</strong></p> <p><strong> Since 2022, </strong>Jurnal Eduhealth has been published 4 times in March, June, September, and December. </p> Effectiveness Test Of Face Wash Gel Kersen Leaf (Muntingia Calabura) Thick Extract As Anti-Acne Agent 2024-05-14T16:36:49+00:00 Novena Adi Yuhara <p>Acne Vulgaris or acne is a skin disease caused by a blockage in the pores of the skin that causes oil secretion to be inhibited which will increasingly enlarge and experience inflammation and bacterial activity. One of the bacteria that can trigger acne is Stapyloccus aureus. Kersen plant is one of the plants that have properties as antibacterial. face wash gel is a facial cleanser with a gel base that contains foam, usually used for sensitive, oily and acne skin. Investigating the antibacterial properties of the Kersen plant may offer a potential treatment strategy. Additionally, the physical tests of gel-based face washe warrant further exploration. The purpose of this study was to see the effect of carbopol on the preparation and also to see the concentration of kersen leaf extract that can inhibit S.aureus bacteria. Preparation was done by dissolving kersen leaf extract with ethanol. Then in a separate place, Carbopol was developed with warm water (40-50°C) until it expanded. Then in a glass beaker dissolved propyl paraben, methyl paraben and SLS with distilled water and added Carbopol that has expanded stir until homogeneous and formed a gel base. Then Kersen leaf extract was added and stirred until homogeneous and TEA was added little by little along with stirring until homogeneous. Physical tests were carried out including organoleptic tests by observing the aroma, color and shape, testing the pH of the preparation with universal pH paper, testing the foam height of the preparation, testing the viscosity with a Brookfield viscometer, testing homogeneity and conducting bacterial activity tests with the paper disk method. The results obtained by the preparation of face wash gel of kersen leaf extract with F0-F2 obtained preparations that have a cloudy, light brown and dark brown color. It has a kersen smell with the addition of kersen and its texture from liquid to thick. The preparation has a pH of 7 and is homogeneous, has a viscosity that meet the requirements. The foam height of the preparation is in the range of 8.9 cm - 9.2 cm, which meets the requirements. In the activity test results, it was found that F2 with an extract concentration of 0.5 g had a better inhibition zone of 60 mm.</p> 2024-10-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Evaluation Of Patient Satisfaction In The Service Of The Lembang Hospital Heart Poly 2024-10-02T11:20:19+00:00 Rachmi Anasthasia Seriulna Kosasih Kosasih ⁠ ⁠Eka Purwanda ⁠ <p>This study aims to evaluate the level of patient satisfaction with the services at the Lembang Hospital Heart Poly. Patient satisfaction is one of the key indicators in assessing the quality of health services provided, especially in cardiac specialist services that require more attention. The method used in this study involves a questionnaire survey to patients who have received services at the Lembang Hospital Heart Poly. The aspects assessed include the speed of service, the competence of medical personnel, facilities, and the comfort of the hospital environment. The results of the study showed a high level of patient satisfaction in terms of the competence of medical personnel and facilities, but there were several complaints about the speed of service that needed improvement. This finding is expected to be an evaluation material to improve the quality of services in the future.</p> 2024-10-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Analysis Of The Influence Of The Quality Of Ponek Emergency Room Service Quality On Patient Satisfaction At Pulang Pisau Hospital 2024-10-02T11:27:26+00:00 Santi Sandra Vip Paramarta ⁠Eka Purwanda <p>This study aims to analyze the influence of service quality IGD PONEK (Comprehensive Emergency Neonatal Obstetrics Services) on patient satisfaction at Pulang Pisau Hospital. The quality of service in emergency services, especially in the PONEK unit, is very important because it is directly related to the safety of mothers and babies. A survey was conducted on patients and their families who received PONEK emergency room services at Pulang Pisau Hospital. The dimensions of service quality analyzed include service speed, competence of medical personnel, facilities, and responsiveness to emergency conditions. The results showed that the quality of service quality had a significant influence on the level of patient satisfaction. Aspects of officer competence and responsiveness are the main factors that affect satisfaction, while facilities still need to be improved. This study provides recommendations for hospitals to improve aspects of facilities to increase overall patient satisfaction.</p> 2024-10-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth The Effect Of Nutrition Education On Food Waste In Patients With Diabetes Mellitus 2024-09-06T08:11:58+00:00 Indriana Meitris Sri Rezeki Pettalolo Masfufah Masfufah <p>Background: Food waste is an indicator of the success of nutrition services in hospitals. If food waste is &gt;20% in every feeding then this shows that nutrition services in the hospital have failed. One way to reduce food waste is by providing education. And Diabetes Mellitus is the biggest contributor to food waste during hospitalization. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of providing nutrition education on food waste in patients with diabetes mellitus at RSUD Undata, Central Sulawesi Province. Methods: The type of research used is quantitative with experimental method of pre-experiment design one group pretest-posttest. The population of this study were patients with diabetes mellitus who were hospitalized at RSUD Undata, with a sample size of 30 respondents aged 18 to 55 years. The data collection technique used the method of weighing food waste. Research Results: Of the 30 respondents, the percentage of food waste before being given nutrition education was (&gt;20%) with each type of staple food 43%, animal side dishes 38.3%, vegetable side dishes 37.4% and vegetables 56.3%. After being given education, the percentage of food waste decreased, namely (&lt;20%) the type of staple food 5.6%, vegetable side dishes 13.3%, animal side dishes 5% and vegetable 10.3%. Conclusion: There is an effect on the provision of nutrition education on food waste in patients with diabetes mellitus with a significance value &gt;0.05 on the types of staple food, animal side dishes, vegetable side dishes and vegetables. While nutrition education on the rest of fruit food has no effect with a significance value &gt;0.05.</p> 2024-10-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth External Factors Associated With Food Waste In Patients With Diabetes Mellitus At RSUD Undata Palu Central Sulawesi Province 2024-09-06T04:50:16+00:00 Sance Angreani Agustina Tombokan Nensy Florence Damanik Adillah Imansari <p>The successful implementation of food delivery in hospitals is closely related to the presence of food waste which indicates less than optimal food delivery so that the nutritional needs of patients are not met. Obtained data on food waste in diabetes mellitus patients at RSUD Undata is high as much as 50.9%. The purpose of this study was to analyze external factors associated with the occurrence of food waste in patients with diabetes mellitus at RSUD Undata Palu Central Sulawesi Province. This type of research is quantitative with an analytic observation approach using a cross-sectional design. The sample in this study were all patients with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus who were treated in the Inpatient Room of RSUD Undata totaling 30 people, who were taken by purposive sampling, with primary and secondary data collection techniques. Data analysis using univariate and bivariate techniques. Food acceptability (aroma, taste, texture, color combination) of patients with diabetes mellitus on food waste obtained P&gt; 0.05, as well as waiter's attitude towards food obtained P&gt; 0.05 and standard portion of food on food waste obtained P&gt; 0.05. there is no significant relationship between external factors and the occurrence of food waste in patients with diabetes mellitus at RSUD Undata Palu Central Sulawesi Province. it is necessary to be careful with diabetes mellitus patients who bring food from outside the hospital, because this affects the remaining food of diabetes mellitus patients.</p> 2024-10-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Increasing Knowledge And Attitudes Towards Organic Waste Processing Through Demonstration Of BSF (Black Soldier Fly) Maggot Cultivation Practices At Darul Fikri Islamic Boarding School, Sungai Belidak 2024-09-17T02:26:18+00:00 Diki Fahrozi Almuharami Selviana Selviana Elly Trisnawati <p><span class="s17">Darul Fikri Islamic </span><span class="s17">Boarding</span> <span class="s17">School</span><span class="s17">, as </span><span class="s17">an</span><span class="s17"> Islamic </span><span class="s17">educational</span> <span class="s17">institution</span> <span class="s17">and</span><span class="s17">religious</span> <span class="s17">tourism</span> <span class="s17">destination</span><span class="s17">, </span><span class="s17">produces</span><span class="s17"> a </span><span class="s17">large</span> <span class="s17">amount</span> <span class="s17">of</span> <span class="s17">organic</span> <span class="s17">waste</span><span class="s17">, </span><span class="s17">improper</span><span class="s17">management</span> <span class="s17">of</span> <span class="s17">organic</span> <span class="s17">waste</span> <span class="s17">can</span> <span class="s17">have</span><span class="s17"> a </span><span class="s17">negative</span> <span class="s17">impact</span> <span class="s17">on</span> <span class="s17">the</span> <span class="s17">environment</span><span class="s17">. BSF </span><span class="s17">maggot</span> <span class="s17">cultivation</span> <span class="s17">offers</span><span class="s17"> a </span><span class="s17">potential</span> <span class="s17">solution</span> <span class="s17">to</span> <span class="s17">overcome</span> <span class="s17">the</span><span class="s17"> problem </span><span class="s17">of</span><span class="s17">organic</span> <span class="s17">waste</span><span class="s17">, </span><span class="s17">this</span><span class="s17"> study </span><span class="s17">aims</span> <span class="s17">to</span> <span class="s17">measure</span> <span class="s17">the</span> <span class="s17">effectiveness</span> <span class="s17">of</span><span class="s17"> BSF </span><span class="s17">maggot</span><span class="s17">cultivation</span> <span class="s17">practices</span><span class="s17"> in </span><span class="s17">improving</span> <span class="s17">students</span><span class="s17">' </span><span class="s17">knowledge</span> <span class="s17">and</span> <span class="s17">attitudes</span> <span class="s17">towards</span><span class="s17">organic</span> <span class="s17">waste</span> <span class="s17">management</span> <span class="s17">at</span><span class="s17"> Darul Fikri Islamic </span><span class="s17">Boarding</span> <span class="s17">School</span><span class="s17">, </span><span class="s17">this</span><span class="s17"> study </span><span class="s17">used</span><span class="s17"> a </span><span class="s17">quasi-experimental</span> <span class="s17">one-group</span> <span class="s17">pretest-posttest</span> <span class="s17">design</span><span class="s17">, A total </span><span class="s17">of</span><span class="s17"> 30 </span><span class="s17">students</span> <span class="s17">became</span> <span class="s17">respondents</span> <span class="s17">and</span><span class="s17"> were </span><span class="s17">given</span> <span class="s17">questionnaires</span> <span class="s17">before</span> <span class="s17">and</span> <span class="s17">after</span><span class="s17">participating</span><span class="s17"> in </span><span class="s17">the</span><span class="s17"> BSF </span><span class="s17">maggot</span> <span class="s17">cultivation</span> <span class="s17">practice</span><span class="s17">. Data were </span><span class="s17">analyzed</span> <span class="s17">using</span><span class="s17"> a </span><span class="s17">paired</span><span class="s17"> t-</span><span class="s17">test</span> <span class="s17">to</span> <span class="s17">test</span> <span class="s17">the</span> <span class="s17">difference</span><span class="s17"> in </span><span class="s17">scores</span> <span class="s17">between</span> <span class="s17">the</span> <span class="s17">pretest</span> <span class="s17">and</span> <span class="s17">posttest</span><span class="s17">. The </span><span class="s17">results</span> <span class="s17">showed</span><span class="s17"> a </span><span class="s17">very</span> <span class="s17">significant</span> <span class="s17">increase</span><span class="s17"> (p </span><span class="s17">value</span><span class="s17"> &lt;0.05) in </span><span class="s17">the</span> <span class="s17">knowledge</span> <span class="s17">and</span><span class="s17">attitudes</span> <span class="s17">of</span> <span class="s17">students</span> <span class="s17">after</span> <span class="s17">participating</span><span class="s17"> in </span><span class="s17">the</span><span class="s17"> BSF </span><span class="s17">maggot</span> <span class="s17">cultivation</span> <span class="s17">practice</span><span class="s17">, </span><span class="s17">this</span> <span class="s17">indicates</span> <span class="s17">that</span> <span class="s17">the</span> <span class="s17">demonstration</span> <span class="s17">method</span> <span class="s17">is</span> <span class="s17">an</span> <span class="s17">effective</span> <span class="s17">approach</span><span class="s17"> in </span><span class="s17">increasing</span><span class="s17">students</span><span class="s17">' </span><span class="s17">awareness</span> <span class="s17">and</span> <span class="s17">skills</span><span class="s17"> in </span><span class="s17">managing</span> <span class="s17">organic</span> <span class="s17">waste</span><span class="s17">. The </span><span class="s17">practice</span> <span class="s17">of</span><span class="s17"> BSF </span><span class="s17">maggot</span> <span class="s17">cultivation</span><span class="s17"> has </span><span class="s17">proven</span> <span class="s17">effective</span><span class="s17"> in </span><span class="s17">improving</span> <span class="s17">students</span><span class="s17">' </span><span class="s17">knowledge</span> <span class="s17">and</span><span class="s17">attitudes</span> <span class="s17">towards</span> <span class="s17">organic</span> <span class="s17">waste</span> <span class="s17">management</span><span class="s17">. </span><span class="s17">This</span> <span class="s17">approach</span> <span class="s17">can</span> <span class="s17">be</span><span class="s17"> a model </span><span class="s17">that</span><span class="s17">can</span> <span class="s17">be</span> <span class="s17">applied</span><span class="s17"> in </span><span class="s17">other</span> <span class="s17">educational</span> <span class="s17">institutions</span> <span class="s17">to</span> <span class="s17">encourage</span> <span class="s17">environmentally</span><span class="s17">friendly</span> <span class="s17">behavior</span><span class="s17">.</span></p> 2024-10-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth The Influence Of Sociodemographic Factors On The Success Of Exclusive Breastfeeding: A Narrative Review 2024-07-24T08:23:27+00:00 Qomariah Dianti Sari <p>Exclusive breastfeeding is the best primary food for infants and lasts for 6 months. However, the practice of exclusive breastfeeding is often influenced by social, economic, and environmental factors, resulting in poor practices. This study aims to analyze the influence of sociodemographic factors on the success of exclusive breastfeeding. The research method used in this study is a literature review with the type is narrative review. The article search process in this study used the keywords "Socio-demographic factor" OR "Demographic influence" OR "Socio-demographic impact" OR "Influence socio-demographic factor" AND "Exclusive Breastfeeding" OR "Successful Breastfeeding" OR "Breastfeeding Practice" in the PubMed, ScienceDirect, Web of Science, Taylor &amp; Francis and DOAJ databases. Inclusion criteria in this study were articles in full text, English language not in the form of literature review, systematic review or meta-analysis, and articles outside the 2019-2024 range and grey literature were excluded. The article synthesis process was carried out using the Prisma Flow Diagram. There are several factors that influence the practice of exclusive breastfeeding including maternal occupation, maternal education, socioeconomic status, ANC, infant age at breastfeeding, caesarean section, early initiation of breastfeeding, maternal age, residence, parity, education on the importance of exclusive breastfeeding, infant weight, infant gender, maternal attitude and efficacy level, and smoking status. The most significant sociodemographic factors influencing exclusive breastfeeding practices were maternal occupation, maternal education, and family socioeconomic status.</p> 2024-10-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Breakfast Habits Relationship With Blood Sugar Levels And School Performance In Healthy Children In Yayasan Bali Kuna Santi, Karangasem, Bali 2024-10-03T14:20:51+00:00 I Gusti Ayu Diah Febriyani Sidiartha Desak Putu Rendang Indriyani Vica Natalia Irene Fenia Ferry Suganda Gozali <p>Background: These days, an increasing number of young people skip breakfast for a variety of reasons. Skipping breakfast is a behavior that raises the risk of metabolic disorders such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, decreased sleep quality, as well as reduced concentration and creativity. This behavior is said to be increased glycemic responses that associated with increased blood sugar levels. Skipping breakfast also associated with decreased of concentration, creativity, and school performance. This research was conducted to examine whether there is a significant relationship between breakfast habits and blood sugar levels as well as school performance in healthy children. Methods: A cross-sectional design with 43 healthy children aged 8 months to 15 years as research participants. Participants were assessed for weight, height, body mass index (BMI), breakfast habits, school performance, and blood sugar levels. The SPSS software’s One-Way ANOVA test were used to examine the exam outcomes. Results: A One-Way ANOVA analysis produced p value of 0.353 (&gt;0.05) for blood sugar levels and p value of 0.003 (&lt;0.05) for school performance. Conclusion: While there is no statistically significant relationship between breakfast habits and blood sugar levels in healthy children, there is statistically significant relationship between breakfast habits and school performance. These results may be attributed to several factors that can be considered for further research.</p> 2024-10-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Community Empowerment Strategy Towards The Problem Of Stunting In Bogak Village 2024-09-13T09:28:07+00:00 Wasiyem Wasiyem Shofwan Hafiz Siregar Alif Araafi Muhammad Taufik Hidayat T. Muhammad Fariz N <p>Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem that greatly affects children's growth and development, especially in developing countries such as Indonesia. This study highlights the empowerment strategy of the UINSU Medan 97 KKN Group in Bogak Village, Tanjung Tiram, Batu Bara, to overcome stunting. Using a qualitative descriptive approach, the strategies used included nutrition education, supplementary feeding counseling, parental monitoring, and collaboration with local authorities. This intervention resulted in increased knowledge, behavioral changes, and decreased stunting rates. This success shows that student empowerment can effectively address public health problems such as stunting and be applied in similar fields.</p> 2024-10-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Demographic Characteristics And Medication Adherence In Patients With Pulmonary Tuberculosis 2024-09-27T05:03:58+00:00 Sri Mala Hayati Ade Kartika <p>Pulmonary Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease that is contagious and can lead to illness and death. To date, no country has been free from pulmonary TB, although the incidence of pulmonary TB has decreased and requires long-term treatment. The purpose of this study is to understand the characteristics and medication adherence of pulmonary TB patients. This study employs a quantitative research method with a descriptive research design, using a sample size of 70 individuals. The results show that the majority of respondents are elderly, The results of the study showed that the majority of respondents had an elderly age of 44 (62.85%), male sex with 44 people (68.6%), married status majority with 47 people (71.4%), had incomes below 500,000 to 1,500,000 with 49 people (70%) and the majority of respondents had never received health education with 56 people (80%). In addition, the results showed that as many as 58 people had pulmonary TB patients. has low compliance with a percentage of 82.8%</p> 2024-10-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Empowering Communities In Efforts To Accelerate Stunting Reduction In Watusampu Village Palu City 2024-10-07T06:30:05+00:00 Muhammad Sabri Syahrir Amilah Eka Putri A. Ferina Herbourina Bonita <p style="font-weight: 400;">Stunting, characterized by shorter height or length in children under five compared to their peers, has seen a decrease in Palu City from 24.7% in 2022 to 22.1% in 2023. Despite various efforts, stunting remains high in Indonesia. An effective approach is community empowerment through nutrition and health assistance for pregnant women and stunted children. This support aims to educate and help families at risk of stunting in meeting their nutritional and health needs to prevent stunting. The program involved direct visits by community members, health teams, and posyandu cadres to homes and Posyandu. Results showed increased knowledge and improvements in height and weight for stunted children and pregnant women. However, the program has not fully met its targets due to low awareness among mothers and families about healthy, balanced nutrition. Additional strategies are needed, including more intensive training and counseling, enhanced social support, and closer collaboration to boost awareness and behavior changes related to diet and health.</p> 2024-10-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Analysis Of Traders' Preparedness Behavior In Preventing Fires At The Masomba Market, Palu City 2024-10-07T06:33:35+00:00 Muhammad Sabri Syahrir A. Ferina Herbourina Bonita Ummu Kamilah Kodrat <p style="font-weight: 400;">Based on data from the Palu City Fire Department, fire incidents in Palu City tend to increase from 2018 to 2022. Masomba market is one of the traditional markets in Palu City which frequently experiences fires. Based on initial observations made, a major fire hit the Masomba market in Palu City on Wednesday evening, November 30 2022. The aim of this research is to analyze the preparedness behavior of market traders in dealing with fires at the Masomba Market in Palu City. This research uses quantitative methods with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study was 274 traders in the Masomba market in Palu City. The sampling technique in this research was determined by simple random sampling with a total sample of 73 respondents. Data collection uses a questionnaire. The data tests used in this research are univariate and bivariate tests (Chi-Square Test). The results of the research show that there is no relationship between knowledge and attitudes towards traders' preparedness in dealing with fires at the Masomba market, but in terms of training there is a relationship between training and traders' preparedness in fighting fires at the Masomba market. The suggestions in this research are that Masomba market traders are expected to take part in training held by the Palu City Industry and Trade Service or the Palu City Fire and Rescue Service.</p> 2024-10-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Relationship Between Anti-Virus Drugs And The Incidence Of Herpes Zoster Oticus: Literature Review 2024-08-30T23:38:30+00:00 Fatmawati Fatmawati Nurelly N. Waspodo Indah Hamriani <p>Herpes zoster oticus (HZO) is an infectious disease characterized by an erythematous vesicular eruption or rash on the pinna and external auditory canal along with severe otalgia. Antiviral drugs are very effective in reducing the severity and duration of HZO when treatment is started within 72 hours of the onset of the rash. Objective: This retrospective study summarizes the knowledge of the relationship of antiviral therapy to the incidence of Herpes Zoster Oticus . Method: This article is a literature study or literature review. The literature was obtained by collecting and reviewing Narrative Review, Case Report, Journal Method articles that were downloaded using electronic based accredited/indexed by Scopus and Sinta. Results: In this literature, 20 research articles were obtained discussing herpes zoster oticus and in them discussing treatment using antivirals. Among them consisted of 8 Case reports, 6 Narrative Reviews, and 6 Journal Methods. Conclusion: Antiviral administration in the occurrence of Herpes Zoster Oticus Antiviral administration in cases of Herpes Zoster Oticus is still effective until now. Administration of antivirals as early as possible within 72 hours is effective in reducing the severity of Herpes zoster oticus . Early treatment can stop the invasion and replication of the Varicella zoster virus further into the cranial nerves so that the prognosis for healing nerve function is very good. The combination of Antivirals and corticosteroids is the standard treatment for Herpes zoster oticus which helps full recovery of facial paralysis and inhibits hearing loss. However, from this literature review it is known that the delay in treatment of hearing function experienced will continue.</p> 2024-10-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Characteristics Of Herpes Zoster Disease 2024-09-08T00:50:11+00:00 Nita Ramdhani Sri Vitayani Khaeruddin HA <p>Herpes zoster, or shingles, is a contagious disease caused by the reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus in the body. This virus can become active again when the immune system weakens. Its characteristic symptoms include clustered vesicular rash unilaterally along specific dermatomes, accompanied by radicular pain. Varicella, or chickenpox, is the primary infection that occurs upon initial exposure to the varicella-zoster virus. When the virus reactivates, it causes recurrent infection known as herpes zoster. The risk of developing HZ is influenced by several factors, including age, gender, history of infection, immune status, and comorbidities. This literature aims to explore the characteristics of herpes zoster. The method used is a narrative review of literature. The results obtained in this literature are that there are 15 articles obtained with limitations from 2020 - 2024 and an analysis has been carried out with the limitations of each article regarding the characteristics of herpes zoster disease, 15 articles mention the most dominant characteristics of herpes zoster diseases in this literature review are age (45 -70 years), gender (male), lesion location (thoracic), comorbidities (diabetes mellitus and hypertension), complications (Post Herpetic neuralgia).</p> 2024-10-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Characteristics Of Pregnant Women With Anemia 2024-09-08T01:04:37+00:00 Ufarah Indah Sari Masita Fujiko Mir’atul Ginayah <p>Anemia is a condition of decreased hemoglobin levels , hematocrit and erythrocyte count below normal values . Anemia in pregnancy can have harmful effects on the mother and fetus. Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is most common in pregnancy women . pregnant women are at high risk of IDA because the need for iron increases significantly during pregnancy . pregnant women are said to be anemic if their blood hemoglobin is less than 11%. This literature review aiming to determine the characteristics of pregnant women with anemia from various articles . This study uses a descriptive literature review approach . Article search via Google Scholar , Science Direct , and Pubmed according to keywords are then analyzed according to inclusion and exclusion criteria . The results obtained in this literature has 15 articles with a limit of 2020 - 2024. In this literature review study, the characteristics of maternal age , education , occupation , economic status, place of residence , gestational age , parity , nutritional status, dietary habits and compliance with taking iron tablets affect the incidence of anemia in pregnancy . The incidence anemia in pregnancy is more common in the 20-35 year age group , having low education , low income , living in rural areas areas , multiparous mothers , gestational age in the third trimester of pregnancy , experiencing CED ( Chronic Energy Deficiency ), rare consuming meat , green vegetables , tea habits of consuming tea and coffee after eating , and not complying with taking iron tablets.</p> 2024-10-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Identification Of Types Of Fungus Candida Albicans In The Urine Of Pregnant Women In The Thirty Trimester At RSI Surabaya Jemursari 2024-09-23T01:33:21+00:00 Iis Rofiatul Ana Pestariati Pestariati Christ Kartika Rahayuningsih <p>Candidiasis is an infection caused by the fungus Candida albicans, especially in pregnant women in the third trimester. This infection, known as Vulvovaginal Candidiasis (VVC), occurs due to the growth of Candida on the vaginal wall. Increased estrogen hormone during pregnancy increases glycogen levels in the vagina, which is a source of carbon for Candida albicans. This study aims to identify the presence of Candida albicans in the urine of pregnant women in the third trimester at RSI Jemursari Surabaya. The study was descriptive qualitative involving 18 samples of pregnant women who experienced symptoms of itching in the vaginal area and vaginal discharge. The results showed that 5 pregnant women (27.8%) were positive for Candida albicans infection, while 13 pregnant women (72.2%) were negative. Examination was carried out macroscopically with Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) media, followed by microscopic examination using Lactophenol Cotton Blue (LPCB) staining, and a specific germ tube test. This study concluded that 27.8% of pregnant women in the third trimester were infected with Candida albicans from the identification results in urine samples.</p> 2024-10-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Literature Review : Relationship Between Moyamoya Disease And Cerebral Iscemic Incidents 2024-09-23T01:39:56+00:00 Muh. Fawwaz Irhadi Mochammad Erwin Rachman Cahyono Kaelan <p>Moyamoya disease is a rare progressive cerebrovascular disorder characterized by blockage of arteries at the base of the brain, causing ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. This condition is most common in children and adults in Asia, with the main symptoms being transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) or strokes. This study used a literature review method by collecting data from various medical journals related to the diagnosis and management of Moyamoya. Diagnosis is generally made through MRI, MRA, and DSA, with DSA being the best method to identify arterial stenosis and collateral formation. The results showed that treatment included medical therapy with aspirin and surgical revascularization procedures to improve cerebral blood flow, where direct revascularization provides faster results although technically more difficult. Early diagnosis and surgical intervention are essential to prevent disease progression.</p> 2024-10-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Management Of Fluid Resuscitation In Burn Wounds 2024-09-23T01:46:20+00:00 Kirene Dwinilasari Paemba Berry Erida Hasbi Muhammad Wirawan Harahap <p>The World Heath Organization (WHO) states that women in the Southeast Asia region have a high incidence of burns, which is 27% of the total number globally. The Burn Incidence Fact Sheet of the American Burn Association (ABA) states that in 2016, 486,000 people sought burn care in the United States. Most burns are small with 67% occupying less than 10% of the total body surface area according to the National Burn Repository of the ABA . Resuscitation is needed to restore respiratory function and blood circulation in someone who has experienced cardiac or respiratory arrest. This research method uses a literature review with a narrative review design. Based on the review obtained, crystalloids are the type of fluid that is widely used for burn patient therapy and for colloid fluids that are widely used are 20% albumin. The importance of calculating the need for fluid intake with fluid output is seen from urine output in patients using one of the most common formulas, namely the Parkland formula because the amount of fluid entered is higher than the recommended amount indicating the potential risk of excess fluid which can increase complications</p> 2024-10-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Analysis Of Inpatient Satisfaction Of National Health Insurance Towards The Quality Of Health Services In The Hospital: Literature Review 2024-09-23T02:21:47+00:00 Sitti Aulia Ramadhani S Hermiaty Nasruddin Abbas Zavey Nurdin <p>The hospital is functioning as place reference service health For health centers, especially in matter care and recovery patient. focus The main hospital is to organize maintenance healing and rehabilitation patients, and as the result is important for they For own system management efficient operations For give service health to patient. The purpose of study This is For know level satisfaction patient take care BPJS hospitalization against quality service House sick. Research This using the literature review process. Information taken from the Garuda Ristekbrin electronic database and Google Scholar. For look for relevant articles, terms search used is satisfaction BPJS patients at home sick. Search the found 3,856 items. Articles that are not fulfil condition For entered No accepted. For analysis studies Here, a total of 13 publications were selected with score satisfaction patient take care BPJS hospitalization about service House sick. Articles This show How elements quality maintenance health influence satisfaction JKN patients at home pain. Tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy are elements that influence satisfaction JKN patients at home sick. Hospital must always make an effort increase standard service for satisfaction patient increase.</p> 2024-10-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Radiological Imaging Picture Of Head Trauma Due To Violence In Children 2024-09-17T14:35:09+00:00 Muh. Ridzky Afdal Rahmawati Rahmawati Hamzakir Hamzakir <p>In everyday life, violence is still often encountered. Child abuse is all forms of physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse, trafficking, neglect, exploitation resulting in injury Head trauma in children is one of the leading causes of death and disability. Of course, there are many considerations to perform the examination considering the risk of radiation that can interfere with the process of brain development for children &lt; 2 years of age. CT scan is one of the radiological examination that is still often used today. This literature review aiming to determine the radiological imaging of head trauma due to violence in children. The method used was a literature review with a Narrative Reviews design to identify and summary previously published articles on the radiological imaging of head trauma due to child abuse. From the 20 articles summarized, the results showed that the radiological imaging of head trauma due to violence in children often occurred in boys and the most common CT scan radiological images were intracranial hemorrhage (subdural) hematoma, epidural hematoma, intracerebral hematoma.</p> 2024-10-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Characteristics Of Cataract Patients Suffering From Diabetes Mellitus 2024-09-27T01:37:25+00:00 Andi Rezky Maulana Sri Irmandha Kusumardhanu Muh. Fadli Hidayat <p>The visual system is the various components of the eye that function in the process of vision by reacting to light, obtaining information about their environment and helping to recognize the outside world through a visual perception process called vision. Cataract disease is one of the disorders of the human eye, cataract is a condition where the lens of the eye is cloudy due to lens hydration (addition of fluid), lens protein denaturation or both. A metabolic disorder disease, diabetes mellitus, can occur due to a decrease in the insulin hormone produced in the pancreas. A cohort study by the Beaver Dam Eye Study also found an association between diabetes mellitus and cataract formation in adult patients. This literature review aims to determine the characteristics of cataract patients with diabetes mellitus such as gender, age, length of time suffering from diabetes mellitus, and type of cataract morphology. The method used was a literature review with a Narrative Review design to identify and summarize previously published articles on the characteristics of cataract patients with diabetes mellitus. From the 20 articles summarized, it was found that the characteristics of cataract patients suffering from diabetes mellitus were more common in female gender than male with an age range of 40 to 80 years, and the duration of diabetes mellitus in most cataract patients was ≥ 10 years, and the most common cataract morphology in diabetes mellitus is posterior subcapsular cataract.</p> 2024-10-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth The Effect Of BMI On The Incidence Of Gerd In Indonesian Citizens 2024-09-27T02:13:30+00:00 M.Arif Munandar.K M. Luthfi Parewangi Muhammadong Muhammadong <p>Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is becoming increasingly common in Indonesia, influenced by changes in lifestyle and dietary patterns. This study aims to explore the relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI) and the incidence of GERD in the Indonesian population. The introduction provides background on the rising prevalence of GERD and the importance of researching risk factors such as BMI. The method involves a literature review from relevant journals sourced from Google Scholar, focusing on studies investigating the correlation between BMI and GERD in Indonesia. The results of the analysis indicate that higher BMI correlates positively with an increased risk of GERD, accompanied by pathophysiological mechanisms including increased intra-abdominal pressure and dysfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter.</p> 2024-10-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Community Midwifery Practice PHBS Education In Households In Preventing Stunting In Toddlers 2024-08-09T06:45:06+00:00 Rita Irawati Wahyu Nur Indah Kustiani Shinta Dwipa Nurrofiqoh Yuli Yantini Sulistio Rahayu <p>Stunting is one of the chronic malnutrition problems in society, especially in toddlers. Stunting is caused by a lack of nutritional intake that occurs over a long period of time due to the provision of food that does not meet nutritional needs. The direct causes of stunting are inadequate nutritional intake and a history of infectious diseases, while indirect factors are parental knowledge about nutrition, parental education, parental income, and the number of family members. Stunting can be prevented by several things such as providing exclusive breastfeeding, consuming a variety of foods with a healthy and balanced menu, getting used to PHBS, doing physical activities such as exercising, giving supplements to toddlers and monitoring children's growth and development regularly or routinely taking them to the integrated health post. Empowerment and education to the community need to start from the household, especially for pregnant women and mothers with toddlers because children are assets or generations whose growth and development must be maintained. Based on the results of a pre-survey conducted from May 30-31, 2024 in Notoharjo Village with unstructured interviews conducted by researchers through interviews with 10 pregnant women and mothers of toddlers. From the interview results, it was stated that 8 people (80%) did not understand PHBS with stunting. While 2 people (20%) other mothers already understood PHBS with stunting. So the role of health workers plays an important role in providing education about the importance of PHBS with stunting which are interrelated. This aims to increase knowledge related to PHBS in reducing the incidence of stunting.</p> 2024-10-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth The Influence Of Mung Bean Extract Therapy And Avocado Juice On Reducing Cholesterol Levels In Hypercholesterolemia Patients In RT 003 RW 005, Pondok Benda Subdistrict, South Tangerang 2024-10-13T12:43:15+00:00 Rahma Faizah Dewi Susanti Ratna Sari Dinaryanti <p>Hypercholesterolemia is an increase in cholesterol levels in the blood, exceeding the normal limit, which is ≥ 200 mg/dl. If left untreated, it can lead to coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus. The management of hypercholesterolemia can be done in two ways: pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapy. One non-pharmacological therapy that can reduce cholesterol levels is the consumption of mung bean extract and avocado. This study aims to determine the effect of mung bean extract therapy and avocado juice on reducing cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemia patients in RT 003 RW 005, Pondok Benda Subdistrict, South Tangerang. The research design used a quasi-experimental method with a pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group design. The population in this study consisted of hypercholesterolemia patients, with a total sample of 26 respondents. The sampling technique used was probability sampling. The statistical tests used were the paired T-test and independent T-test. The results of the study showed that there was an effect of giving mung bean extract with a p-value = 0.001 (p&lt;0.05), there was an effect of giving avocado juice with a p-value = 0.001 (p&lt;0.05), and there was no difference between the administration of mung bean extract and avocado juice with a p-value = 0.925 (p&gt;0.05) on reducing cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemia patients. The results of this study are expected to serve as independent nursing interventions in providing complementary therapy to reduce cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemia patients.</p> 2024-10-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth The Effect Of The Combination Of Cinnamon Powder Infusion And Honey On Reducing Blood Sugar Levels In Type II Diabetes Mellitus Patients In RT 007 And 008 / RW 05, Balekambang Subdistrict, East Jakarta 2024-10-13T12:48:56+00:00 Muhamad Tridhal Dadi Utomo Dewi Susanti Ratna Sari Dinaryanti <p>Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder caused by impaired insulin function, leading to hyperglycemia (blood sugar &lt;200 mg/dL). Its management includes pharmacological therapy (insulin) and non-pharmacological approaches, such as the use of cinnamon powder and honey. This study aims to determine the effect of the combination of cinnamon powder and honey on reducing blood sugar levels in Type II Diabetes Mellitus patients in RT 007 and 008/RW 05, Balekambang Subdistrict, East Jakarta. The research design used was a quasi-experimental design with a one-group pre-test post-test without control. The population consisted of Type II Diabetes Mellitus patients, with a sample of 32 respondents selected through consecutive sampling. The research instruments included a glucometer, observation sheets, cinnamon powder, and honey. Statistical analysis was performed using the Paired T-test. The results showed the average blood sugar level before the intervention (247.0 mg/dL) and after the intervention (222.7 mg/dL) using the combination of cinnamon powder and honey. The test results indicated a significant relationship between the combination of cinnamon powder infusion and honey with a reduction in blood sugar levels in Type II Diabetes Mellitus patients in RT 007 and 008/RW 05, Balekambang Subdistrict, East Jakarta, with a p-value = 0.000 &lt; 0.05. This study provides recommendations for nursing services to implement non-pharmacological therapy to reduce blood sugar levels.</p> 2024-10-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Analysis Of Support Management In Drug Management In The Pharmaceutical Installation Of Permata Serdang Hospital 2024-09-05T03:31:07+00:00 Nadya Cahya Paramitha Puput Oktamianti <p>Support management in the Pharmaceutical Installation has the aim of supporting the drug management system so that drug management in hospital agencies runs optimally. Pharmaceutical support management consists of human capital, organizational capital, information capital and finance capital, the four of which are interrelated so as to make the system that has been running effective and efficient. The purpose of this study was to determine the condition of support management at the Permata Serdang Hospital Pharmacy Installation. This research is a qualitative research with a case study approach and data collected from interviews and secondary data from the review of hospital documents. The results of interviews with informants from the Pharmacy Installation of Permata Serdang Hospital show that from the human capital aspect there are still problems related to the lack of human resources in related units. In organizational capital, it is known that an organizational structure has been formed that supports a work culture that focuses on patient safety and service efficiency. In information capital, the use of SIMRS has been utilized to support the management of medicines and services, although there are still some technical problems such as slow application and has not been fully utilized for decision making in the management of medicines. There is no information obtained from the finance department for the finance capital aspect, but the Hospital Pharmacy Installation carries out a control process to prevent losses from medicines that have been purchased. Therefore, the Hospital needs to improve the quality of management support such as increasing the number of human resources who also support the organization in the Permata Serdang Hospital Pharmacy Installation, as well as maximizing the function of SIMRS as a decision-making tool in the hope that drug management will run more effectively and efficiently.</p> 2024-10-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Narrative Review : Characteristics Of Senilist Cataract Surgery Complications With Phacoemulsification Technique 2024-10-04T23:53:00+00:00 Andi Dwyndha Pratiwi Marlyanti Nur Rahmah Diah Tantri Darkutni A Faridah Amien Hanna Aulia Namirah <p>Disease cataract is one of eye disorders human, cataract is condition Where lens eye experience turbidity caused Because hydration lens (additional fluid), denaturation of lens proteins or happen consequence both of them. Surgical action is governance definitive For cataract moment This, Purpose of Surgical Procedure cataract is For repair sharp vision consequence cloudy lens. Surgical technique phacoemulsification have excess like healing fast wound healing, repair vision more good, and no cause astigmatism post surgery. Regardless from benefit action surgery cataract with technique phacoemulsification that is For repair sharp vision, but action surgery cataract with technique phacoemulsification also does not off from complications that can occur happen Good during or after Operation. Research This is studies literature with approach narrative review. Reviewed literature is literature obtained from the database that has been accredited or indexed sinta. The result of studies literature This obtained that complications surgery senile cataract with technique phacoemulsification can cause complications intraoperative and also postoperative.</p> 2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Relationship Between History Of Hypertension And The Incidence Of Preeclampsia-Eclampsia In Pregnant Women 2024-10-05T00:02:21+00:00 Nur Azizah Reski Amir Masita Fujiko Kartika Handayani <p>Hypertension is one of the significant health problems worldwide, including in Indonesia. Preeclampsia is a medical condition characterized by increased blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine after 20 weeks of gestation. If left untreated, preeclampsia can develop into eclampsia. Preeclampsia and eclampsia are two conditions that can endanger the lives of the mother and fetus, and require immediate medical attention. This study aims to determine the relationship between a history of previous hypertension and the incidence of preeclampsia-eclampsia in pregnant women. The method used is literature review with Narrative design Review to identify and summarize previously published articles on the relationship between history of hypertension and the incidence of preeclampsia-eclampsia in pregnant women. From 10 articles summarized, the results of the study showed that pregnant women with a history of hypertension had a significantly higher risk of experiencing preeclampsia-eclampsia compared to those without such a history. This finding emphasizes the importance of intensive medical supervision during pregnancy to monitor and manage the health conditions of pregnant women appropriately.</p> 2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Success Of LMA Insertion Technique Using Opioid Free Anesthesia 2024-10-05T04:32:04+00:00 Restika Restika Fendy Dwimartyono Muhammad Asrul Apris <p>Airway management is one of the main focuses in anesthesia because patients under anesthesia are at risk for airway obstruction and aspiration. Airway management is essential for managing critically ill patients, trauma patients, and anesthesia, both during surgery and procedures outside the operating room. The Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) is a supraglottic airway device used to facilitate and ensure closure of the laryngeal cavity for spontaneous ventilation. Opioid-free anesthesia (OFA) is defined as an anesthetic technique in which opioids are not used in the perioperative period (systemic, neuraxial or intracavitary). There is a successful LMA insertion technique using opioid-free anesthesia.</p> 2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Analysis Of Factors Related To Workload Of Nurses At UPT Rumbia Regional Public Hospital Jeneponto District 2024-10-14T09:14:00+00:00 Nurbaya Nurbaya Zainuddin Zainuddin Muhammad Basir <p>Nurse workload is the average frequency of each type of work in a certain period of time that must be carried out by health workers. This workload must receive attention because it is one of the bases in preparing a health worker needs plan. Excessive workload will affect the productivity of health workers, while the workload is caused by the number of health workers that is not yet adequate. This study aims to analyze factors related to the workload of nurses at the UPT Rumbia Regional General Hospital, Jeneponto Regency. Type of research used The type of research conducted is an analytical observational study with a cross-sectional study design. Collecting data through questionnaires. In this study, 72 nurses working at the UPT Rumbia Regional General Hospital, Jeneponto Regency were the subjects. Data analysis using the chi-square test. The results of the study showed that the workload of nurses at the UPT Rumbia Regional General Hospital, Jeneponto Regency was related to job descriptions (p = 0.006), facilities/means (p = 0.019), additional tasks (p = 0.000), and the number of examinations (p = 0.010). The workload on all variables studied in this study showed that there was a relationship between the workload of nursing staff. It is expected that nurses at the UPT Rumbia Regional General Hospital, Jeneponto Regency who have less workload will develop their work and need to improve their skills.</p> 2024-10-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth A Study On The Effectiveness Of Hypnocaring Technique In Managing Post-Cesarean Section Pain (At Syekh Yusuf Gowa General Hospital) 2024-10-14T13:06:46+00:00 Nurhijrani N Sartika S <p>The hypnocaring technique is a non-pharmacological approach that utilizes therapeutic communication between nurses and clients. Through the use of affirmations and positive suggestions, this technique aims to enhance motivation and empower patients in their healing process. With a focus on empathetic interpersonal relationships, hypnocaring has the potential to be an effective solution for addressing the challenges often faced by post-sectio caesarea patients, namely pain and post-operative anxiety. This study aims to describe the implementation of the hypnocaring technique and evaluate its impact on reducing pain and anxiety in clients, as well as assess its contribution to the quality of care received by patients. The study employs a qualitative research method with a participant observation approach, where the researcher is directly involved in the observed activities to gain deeper data insights. Participant observation is a qualitative research technique that allows the researcher to interact with study subjects in their natural environment, enabling them to understand the patterns of social interaction, behavior, and the meanings behind the observed actions. The findings reveal that overall, the use of hypnocaring techniques at Syekh Yusuf Regional Hospital in Gowa shows great potential in helping alleviate pain and anxiety in post-cesarean section clients. Despite some inhibiting factors, supporting factors such as the support from healthcare professionals, the willingness of clients, and a conducive environment can maximize the application of this technique. It is recommended that the management of Syekh Yusuf Regional Hospital provide special training for nurses regarding the implementation of the hypnocaring technique. This training is crucial to ensure that nurses have the adequate skills to apply the technique optimally.</p> 2024-10-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth The Relationship Between Knowledge And Caregiver Attitudes Towards Palliative Care At Melania Pedemangan Nursing Home 2024-10-25T09:21:25+00:00 Kristoforus Marselinus Yurita Mailintina Ribka Sabarina Panjaitan Ika Mustafida Ria Efkelin <p>Palliative care is an approach that focuses on improving the quality of life of patients and their families who are facing life-threatening disease-related problems. This treatment involves the prevention and reduction of suffering through early detection, assessment, and management of pain and other physical, psychosocial, and spiritual problems. This type of research is quantitative with a Cross-Sectional<em> design</em>. The research approach used is a quantitative approach, namely the use of questionnaires and survey research techniques which are components of quantitative research. This study evaluates the relationship between knowledge and caregiver attitudes towards <em>palliative care </em>in the Melania Pedemangan nursing home. The results of the analysis showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between knowledge and caregiver attitudes, with a Pearson correlation of 0.537 and a significance value of 0.000. In conclusion, knowledge is effective in improving caregivers' attitudes towards <em>palliative care </em>in the Melania Pedemangan nursing home.</p> 2024-10-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth The Effect Of Work Stress And Work Motivation On The Performance Of Civil Servants At The Cikarang Health Training Center, Ministry Of Health, Republic Of Indonesia 2024-10-22T04:16:56+00:00 Sumarno Sumarno Rindu Rindu Atiq Amanah Retna Palupi <p>Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the public service sector has faced significantly increasing work demands. Government agencies, including the Cikarang Health Training Center under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, have been challenged to meet higher performance targets without a proportional increase in staff or rapid technological adaptation. This situation has led to heightened levels of work stress among civil servants, potentially affecting their motivation and overall performance. In this complex era, managing work stress and motivating employees have become crucial to maintaining productivity and performance in government institutions. This study applied a quantitative approach by distributing questionnaires to 55 civil servants at the Cikarang Health Training Center who met the inclusion criteria. Data analysis was conducted using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. The findings show that work motivation has a positive and significant impact on performance (path coefficient = 0.712, p-value &lt; 0.05), and work stress also significantly affects performance (path coefficient = 0.243, p-value &lt; 0.05). Furthermore, work stress positively affects motivation (path coefficient = 0.677, p-value &lt; 0.05), with motivation mediating the relationship between work stress and performance. This suggests that work stress, when managed effectively, can improve performance through increased motivation. The study concludes that stress management and work motivation enhancement programs should be implemented at the Cikarang Health Training Center to optimize civil servant performance.</p> 2024-10-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Factors Influencing Nurses In The Implementation Of Integrated Management For Sick Children (MTBS) At Mongeudong Health Center, Banda Sakti District Lhokseumawe City 2024-10-27T18:40:20+00:00 Muammar Muammar <p>In Indonesia, the under-five mortality rate is still a significant public health problem, although there has been a decline in the last few decades. Data from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia shows that under-five deaths are often caused by diseases such as pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria and malnutrition. This requires the implementation of MTBS at the basic health service level, especially at Community Health Centers and Posyandu, to provide early intervention and appropriate treatment to toddlers. This study aims to determine the factors that influence nurses in implementing Integrated Management of Sick Toddlers. The population in this study were all nurses on duty at the Mongeudong Community Health Center, namely 35 people with a sampling technique using the total population. This research is analytical with a cross sectional design with data processing methods using Editing, Coding, Tabulating and Entry. Based on the research, it was found that the majority of respondents implemented MTBS, namely 54.3%, the frequency of respondents' education was high education, namely 40.0%, the frequency of information obtained by respondents was sufficient information, namely 60.0%, the frequency of respondents' training was attending training, namely 57.1%. The results of the analysis of the influence of nurse education in implementing Integrated Management of Sick Toddlers obtained a value of ρ value = 0.003 (P &lt; 0.05), analysis of the influence of information in implementing MTBS obtained ρ value = 0.019 (P &lt; 0.05), the influence of training in implementing MTBS obtained ρ value = 0.005 which means there is a significant relationship between MTBS implementation and education, information and training. It is hoped that all nurses at the Mongeudong Health Center can increase their knowledge about implementing MTBS.</p> 2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Analysis Of Macro Nutritional Content Of Chicken Nuggets Substitution Of Young Jackpots And Soy Flour As An Alternative To A High Fiber Snack For Obese Teenagers 2024-11-04T14:22:34+00:00 Tita Purwaningsih Lilia Faridatul Fauziah <p>Obesity is a disorder characterized by excessive accumulation of fat tissue in the body. Therefore, additional food with high daily fiber intake is needed. One of them is by providing additional food in the form of young jackfruit and soy flour substitute nuggets. This study aims to determine the macronutrient content and acceptability of nuggets as an alternative high-fiber snack. This study used the True Experimental Design method with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 levels of young jackfruit and soy flour substitution treatment, namely F0 (100:0:0), F1 (45:45:10), F2 (35:50:15) and F3 (15:65:20). Preliminary research, namely organoleptic quality tests of 30 panelists and ranking tests to show the best formulation, continued with proximate analysis and nugget fiber content. The results of the study showed that there was an effect of increasing fiber content in nuggets, with the highest fiber content in the F3 treatment. Significant effect on the color and texture of young jackfruit substitution and Kruskal Wallis soybean flour (P Value &lt;0.05). The best treatment was in F2. The conclusion of this study is that young jackfruit and soybean flour substitution nuggets show an effect on the levels of calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates, ash, water, fiber, and acceptability in the color and texture categories of nuggets. Obese adolescents are advised to consume 100 grams of fried F2 nuggets per day to meet 95.58% of fiber needs.</p> 2024-11-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Analysis Of Factors Related To Subjective Well-Being In Diabetes Mellitus Patients In Banjarbaru Region 2024-10-19T14:50:56+00:00 Yulyanti Yulyanti Hijratun Wahana Yunita Yunita Candra Kusuma Negara <p>Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease with increased blood glucose levels because the body cannot produce enough insulin hormone. Changes in diabetes mellitus patients who view their disease condition negatively need to be reviewed from a psychological perspective. Factors related to subjective well-being values in people with diabetes mellitus need to be identified and improved as an initial step so that later they are able to exercise positive control over themselves. This study used a cross-sectional design using a random sampling method with inclusion and exclusion criteria. The total respondents were 102 people with Diabetes mellitus. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using the Spearman Rank test with a significance level &lt;0.05. The results of the demographic data obtained 81 female respondents, aged 46-55 years and married. There is a significant relationship between subjective well-being and personality (ρ = 0.008), and demographic factors including family support (ρ = 0.011), and religiosity (ρ = 0.029). Meanwhile, contextual and situational factors (ρ=0.636), and demographic factors including gender (ρ=0.613), and employment status (ρ=0.414) did not have a significant relationship with subjective well-being in diabetes mellitus patients in the Banjarbaru area.</p> 2024-11-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth The Correlation Between Risk Perception, Outcome Expectancies, Task Self-Efficacy, And Intention With Dietary Compliance In Type 2 DM Patients 2024-10-19T14:57:27+00:00 Muhammad Tajaruddin Muhammad Mukhlis Solehin Naimatul Aufa Candra Kusuma Negara <p>Compliance of DM patients in Indonesia to diet is still relatively low. Dietary non-compliance can worsen the patient's condition, cause complications and reduce quality of life. Factors that influence dietary compliance are motivation, self-efficacy, knowledge, intention, and family support. This study aims to analyze the correlation between risk perception, outcome expectancies, task self-efficacy, and intention with dietary compliance in patients with type 2 Diabetes mellitus. The study used a cross-sectional approach. The research sample was collected using the cluster sampling method and obtained 150 respondents. Data were analyzed using spearman rho statistical analysis (α≤0.05) there was a significant correlation between risk perception (p=0.000), outcome expectancies (p=0.000), task self-efficacy (p=0.000), and intention (p=0.000) with dietary compliance in patients with type 2 DM. Risk perception, outcome expectancies, task self-efficacy, and intention were significantly related to DM diet compliance. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the risk perception, outcome expectancies, task self-efficacy, and intention factors, through counseling activities that focus on the four factors above, so that glycemic control behavior with a DM diet can improve for the better.</p> 2024-11-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Correlation Between Crowded Perception On The Highway And Aggressive Driving Tendencies In Teenage Motorcyclists 2024-10-19T15:09:49+00:00 Melinda Restu Pertiwi M. Noor Ifansyah Candra Kusuma Negara <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between crowded perception on the highway and the tendency of aggressive driving in teenage motorcyclists. Crowded perception is a factor that influences someone to do aggressive driving. This study is a quantitative correlation study using data collection techniques in the form of a crowded perception scale and an aggressive driving tendency scale compiled by the researcher himself. The subjects of the study were 80 teenagers who in their daily activities use motorbikes and have a driving license. The data analysis technique used was product moment analysis with a significance level of 0.05. The results showed a correlation value of p = 0.000 &lt;0.05 and r = 0.546&gt; 0.220, meaning Ha was accepted. This means that there is a relationship between crowded perception on the highway and the tendency of aggressive driving in motorbike riders. Based on these results, it means that the higher the crowded perception on the highway, the higher the tendency of aggressive driving in teenage motorcyclists. The results of the analysis also showed that men tend to be more aggressive than women when driving. In addition, the level of aggressiveness also showed differences based on age. At the age of 19, aggressive driving behavior appeared higher than other ages.</p> 2024-11-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Effectiveness Of Breastfeeding Counseling Training Programs In Efforts To Increase The Competency Of Health Human Resources In West Java 2024-10-23T02:17:19+00:00 Ratna Sari Rindu Rindu Dina Indriyanti <p>One of the main health problems faced by children in Indonesia is malnutrition Malnutrition in toddlers, one of which is caused because in infancy and childhood they do not getting intake in accordance with the best feeding patterns for infants, this shows the need to increase the competence of This shows the need to increase the competence of Human Resources for Health Health Human Resources to improve public knowledge about breastfeeding and increase exclusive breastfeeding coverage. This study aims to determine the breastfeeding counseling training program and to determine and analyze the effectiveness of the breastfeeding counseling training program on improving the competence of Health Human Resources Health Human Resources in West Java region. A quantitative approach was used with an explanation of relationship between variables. The samples used were grouped based on region of the breastfeeding counseling training participants. Secondary data that is Quantitative secondary data were obtained from Bapelkes Cikarang documentation, annual reports and questionnaires. Data processing was carried out using Microsoft excel and Smart PLS 3 applications. Data analysis using analysis (Structural Equation Modeling) SEM analysis. The results of the research and hypothesis testing illustrate that the training program which includes effective facilitators, organizers and participants has an effect on increasing the competency of breastfeeding counseling training participants and the Facilitator variable through organizing the training plays the most important role in increasing the competency of training participants, this can be seen in the interpretation of the results (Inner Model) indirect relationship where the p value of the Facilitator's influence on increasing competence through implementation is 0.042, this can be interpreted as meaning that there is a significant influence between the Facilitator Variable on increasing Competency through the implementation Variable.</p> 2024-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Relationship Between Singing And Reading Together Activities With Children And Early Literacy Skill In Preschool Children In Surakarta 2024-10-25T13:40:59+00:00 Sinar Perdana Putra Muryanti Muryanti Windiarti Dwi Purnaningrum <p>In early childhood, early literacy skills can be started with the habit of reading story books. Although this is a simple activity, reading books is the initial stage of introducing them to literacy skills. Literacy is all activities that are seen in speaking, listening, reading, writing and singing are an appreciation of spoken and written language. While early literacy skills are skills that begin to develop in preschool. Early literacy skills are very important as they form the basis for more advanced reading and writing skills. Early literacy helps preschoolers understand and interpret the world around them through language and symbols, both in spoken and written form. Early literacy can help children's language development because it prepares reading and writing skills, develops communication skills, enhances imagination and creativity, supports cognitive development, and strengthens self-confidence. This study aims to describe, know, and analyze the relationship between singing and reading together activities with children and early literacy skill in preschool children in surakarta. The type of research is quantitative descriptive. The population in this study were preschool children from several kindergartens in Surakarta, Nusukan sub-district. The sample in this study was 177 preschool children. Data collection with questionnaires and tests. Data analysis using Multiple Linear Regression (MLR). The results of the analysis obtained a significance value (p-value) of 0.000. The significance value of the test is less than 0.05 (0.000 &lt; 0.05) so that there is a significant relationship between singing and reading together activities with children and early literacy skills in preschool children in Surakarta.</p> 2024-11-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Health Perceptions Of Leadership Style In Clinic X 2024-11-03T03:35:19+00:00 Risca Muril Khairani Dewi Agustina Nency Utami Br Barus Rosmala Dewi Nurna billa Yulia Rahmadani <p>This research focuses on the importance of the leader's role in motivating, directing and developing employees to achieve organizational goals, especially in the clinical context. Factors that influence employee job satisfaction are also in the spotlight, including leadership style, organizational policies, and quality of work life. The research objective to be achieved in this study is to determine and analyze the perceptions of health workers regarding leadership styles at Clinic midwife. Structured interviews were used to explore views and experiences regarding health services at the clinic. The results are understood to gain a deeper understanding of the research subject. The research results show that the leader of Clinic Leaders are also able to control subordinates with a positive approach and show good emotional control in difficult situations. In addition, leaders have a high responsibility in ensuring the quality of service and employee performance meet clinic standards. Based on the results of the interview, the leader of Clinic.</p> 2024-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Acupressure in the Management of Hyperemesis Gravidarum: A Systematic Analysis 2024-11-11T06:16:27+00:00 Novida Ariani <p>Pregnant women who experience more severe emesis gravidarum (nausea and vomiting) are known as hyperemesis gravidarum, this can affect the health of the mother and baby if not treated. To analyze and compile the latest scientific evidence to evaluate the benefits and techniques of acupressure as a method of managing emesis gravidarum, so that it does not develop into hyperemesis gravidarum. This research method is a systematic review with a systematic review based on PRISMA. Literature search based on research articles published in the last 10 years. Literature was obtained from a database of medium to high quality criteria using relevant keywords, namely "acupressure", "hyperemesis gravidarum", "nausea", "vomiting", "clinical study", "experimental study", then selected according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study, appropriate research articles were continued in the PICOT table. Results: Ten studies that passed the inclusion criteria compared 5 different therapies where the most therapy used P6 acupressure and overall were considered to have a low risk of bias. The findings showed that acupressure can reduce the intensity of nausea and vomiting, reduce serum IL-6 levels, lower PUQE scores, better urine ketone results, reduce the frequency of antiemetic administration, and reduce the length of treatment. TherapyAcupressure has the potential to reduce symptoms of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, especially to prevent the severity towards the diagnosis of Hyperemesis Gravidarum. However, further research with a validated scoring system, diagnostic criteria, clear outcome measures, and conducting larger studies is needed to confirm its effectiveness.</p> 2024-11-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Cyst Torsion in Mature Cystic Ovarian Teratoma: A Case Report 2024-10-30T07:24:46+00:00 Karnel Singh <p>Mature cystic teratoma is an ovarian germ cell tumor with the highest prevalence in women of reproductive age. Approximately 20% of patients are asymptomatic when the tumor is found. Acute pain may occur when there are complications. Echogenic nodules characterized by echogenic sebaceous substance and calcifications are the most common ultrasonographic findings. Generally, cystectomy is safe and effective in preserving ovarian function. <em>Laparotomy</em> and <em>oophorectomy </em>may be considered in cases with high risk of malignancy. The objective of this case report is to discuss a case of cyst torsion in an adult cystic ovarian teratoma, including its diagnosis and management. We report a case of cyst torsion in mature cystic ovarian teratoma in a 26-year-old woman with initial complaints of abdominal pain. The patient presented with complaint of abdominal pain 2 days before admission. There was a palpable mobile and painful mass in the lower left abdomen. Ultrasonography examination showed a cystic image of 11.6 cm x 7.2 cm x 9.3 cm with calcification. Left ovarian torsion was found intraoperatively, thus unilateral left salpingo-oophorectomy was performed with additional pathological results showing a mature cystic teratoma. The specimen was sent to the anatomical pathology confirming a mature cystic teratoma. ANC examination should not only focus on the fetus and uterus, but also require assessment of bilateral adnexa. Salpingo-oophorectomy can be avoided if detection can be done earlier.</p> 2024-11-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Potential Of Tamarind Turmeric Instant Herbal Drink As A Student Entrepreneurship Project 2024-10-31T03:15:57+00:00 Didiek Hardiyanto Soegiantoro Ari Widhiarso Sepiany Sepiany Christy Nazna Leani Sri Rezeki Priska Ica Sari Farasi <p>The article discusses the potential of tamarind turmeric instant herbal products as part of an entrepreneurship project for pharmacy students. It emphasizes the importance of combining pharmaceutical knowledge with entrepreneurial skills, which can lead to innovation in the healthcare industry. The project involves minimal investment in equipment for powdering ingredients and offers a convenient product for consumers through instant drink mixes. Leveraging e-commerce and digital marketing strategies, students can promote their product effectively. Collaborations with health influencers and participation in local health fairs can enhance product visibility and consumer feedback. The primary aim of the research is to conduct an organoleptic evaluation of the tamarind turmeric instant herbal products and assess sales performance. A descriptive qualitative research design was adopted to gather sensory evaluations and consumer feedback. The results indicate that these herbal products are becoming popular due to their health benefits, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The organoleptic attributes were evaluated, focusing on factors such as color, aroma, taste, and texture. The findings showed that the product has a yellowish-brown color, a tangy and citrusy aroma with earthy undertones, a tangy and slightly sour taste with mild spiciness, and a smooth texture that dissolves easily in water. The visual appeal of the product plays a significant role in consumer preference, as color can indicate the presence of beneficial ingredients like curcuminoids in turmeric. The sales performance of instant turmeric and tamarind drinks shows consumer acceptance in hedonic tests on taste, color, and aroma with the results of like and very-like.</p> 2024-11-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Pharmacological Potential Of Vernonia Amygdalina With Various Bioactive Compounds: A Review 2024-11-15T08:48:39+00:00 Wahyudi Wahyudi Alya Alfianti Balqis Delfi Yunita Lubis Laila Sari Risca Muril Khairani Syifana Nadia Raisya <p>Indonesia, as a megadiverse country has a wealth of tropical plants which are used in traditional medicine, including Vernonia amygdalina Del. or African leaves, which are known to have various pharmacological properties. This plant contains bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, alkaloids, and saponins, which have the potential to be used as an effective alternative herbal treatment. The aim of this literature study is to explore the pharmacological potential of Vernonia amygdalina Del. (African leaves) as a medicinal plant rich in bioactive compounds. This research method was carried out using a Systematic Literature Review (SLR). The result of researchs related to Vernonia amygdalina pharmacological potential and its bioactive compound was extracted from research article that published in Indonesia on 2018-2024. Based on research on previous studies, it was found that the pharmacological effects of African leaves (Vernonia amygdalina) include antioxidants which show moderate antioxidant activity with an IC50 value of 107,839 ppm, antibacterial containing flavonoids, tannins, saponins, and alkaloids which have antibacterial activity, antihyperlipidemia which has been proven to be effective in increases HDL levels in mice and reduces free cholesterol, especially at high doses comparable to simvastatin, anticancer which has anticancer potential with strong cytotoxic activity against WiDr cells, and anti-diabetic which can increase pancreatic cell regeneration and reduce blood glucose levels. Based on a literature review, it can be concluded that African Leaf extract (Vernonia amygdalina) contains various bioactive compounds that have potential as antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-cholesterol, anticancer, and anti-diabetic agents.</p> 2024-11-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Analysis of Community Behavior Change Strategy in Open Defecation Behavior in the Work Area of Yembekiri Health Center, Teluk Wondama Regency, West Papua 2024-11-15T04:55:31+00:00 Herlinda Sesa Rinding Astrid Novita <p>The practice of open defecation is still a serious public health problem in many areas in Indonesia, including in the Yembekiri Health Center Work Area, Teluk Wondama Regency, West Papua. This study aims to analyze strategies for changing community behavior in the practice of open defecation in the area. The research design used was qualitative research. Data collection techniques were carried out randomly by means of in-depth interviews, observation checklists and document review checklists. The sample used in this study were 2 Yembekiri Health Center officers and 70 people who would be used as informants in this study. Results: Context; healthy toilets, clean water facilities are not yet effective because healthy facilities / toilets are still lacking in the Yembekiri Health Center work area as well as clean water facilities do not meet the needs of the local community. input component; inadequate community human resources, facilities and infrastructure are not yet effective The lack of toilets in various villages is the main complaint of the community even though clean water facilities are still sufficient and so in various other villages there are private toilets but clean water facilities are lacking so that people prefer to defecate on the beach. Process Component; Environmental pollution is still a problem in the work area of ​​Yembekiri Health Center. Open Defecation Behavior has become a habit of the community, especially children. The emergence of disease outbreaks, the scope of diarrhea cases is the most common case found in the work area of ​​Yembekiri Health Center after cases of ARI and malaria.</p> 2024-11-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Factors That Influence UKMPPD Failure 2024-11-15T04:54:47+00:00 A. Muh. Akbar Batara Putra A.M Febie Irsandy Syahruddin Darariani Iskandar <p>The Competency Test for Medical Professional Program Students (UKMPPD) is the final stage to assess student competence before getting a professional certificate . Failure to pass the UKMPPD is influenced by several factors . This research aiming to identify and analyze the factors that influence failure to pass the Medical Education Program Student Competence Examination (UKMPPD), with a focus on academic readiness , learning methods , and individual factors such as stress , motivation , and social support . The research method included a literature review of various previous studies discussing failure to pass medical competency exams . The analysis results show that academic readiness which includes understanding the material and practical skills is very important to achieve satisfactory exam results . In addition , learning methods that do not match the exam format as well as individual factors such as high stress levels and lack of social support also contribute significantly to failure to pass . This research suggests improving more active and realistic learning methods as well as providing adequate emotional support to reduce future failure rates .</p> 2024-11-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Indicators Of The Home Environment In Families At Risk Of Stunting In The Murai Valley Of Pontianak City 2024-11-09T06:23:11+00:00 Widya Eka Lestari Elly Trisnawati Indah Budiastutik Marlenywati Marlenywati <p>Stunting is a serious nutritional problem that Indonesia is still facing. One of the cities in West Kalimantan Province that still contributes to stunting cases is Pontianak City, which is the provincial capital. The condition of environmental factors that are not optimal, supported by the characteristics of slum and densely populated areas, makes Pontianak City, especially the Murai Valley, an area that is vulnerable to stunting risks. This study aims to analyze the indicators of the home environment in families at risk of stunting in the Murai Valley, Pontianak City. The research design used is descriptive observational with <em>a cross-sectional</em> approach, the number of samples is 58 respondents who are categorized as Families at Risk of Stunting. Sampling was carried out by <em>simple random sampling</em>. The location of the research is in the Murai Valley Quality Family Village, Mariana Village, Pontianak City. Data were collected through interviews and direct observations, consisting of variables such as personal hygiene, cleanliness of the home environment, and cleanliness of latrines. The data was analyzed univariate and presented in the form of tables and narratives. The results of the study showed that <em>the personal hygiene </em>of families at risk of stunting was mostly 91.4% in the poor category. The cleanliness of the home environment was not clean by 62.1%, and as many as 93.1% of respondents described the cleanliness condition of the latrines as less qualified. There is a need to improve sanitation, cleanliness of the home environment and improvements to family toilet facilities. It is also hoped that there will be awareness of families at risk of stunting related to the implementation of clean and healthy living behaviors in the family order as a form of stunting prevention efforts.</p> 2024-11-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Overview Of The Level Of Loneliness Among The Elderly In Harjosari II Village, Medan Amplas District 2024-09-13T09:29:00+00:00 Ingrid Ameris Putri Andini Zega Lindawati Simorangkir Lili Suryani Tumanggor <p>Loneliness is a health problem for the elderly almost all over the world, both in developed and developing countries. Loneliness, if not treated immediately, will have an impact on the quality of life of the elderly. This type of research is descriptive with a cross sectional approach which aims to find out how the level of loneliness in the elderly in Harjosari II Village, Medan Amplas District in 2024. The population in this study is all elderly people in Harjosari II Village, Medan Amplas Dis-trict in 2024, with a sample size of 57 respondents. Purposive sampling technique with the criteria that the elderly do not have complications, do not experience hearing loss and are not senile. Data collection uses a questionnaire. The results of this study showed that of the 57 re-spondents who experienced low loneliness, there were 5 respondents (8.8%), and the elderly who experienced moderate loneliness were 52 respondents (91.2%). The level of loneliness in the elderly greatly af-fects the quality of life of the elderly, the need for family support.</p> 2024-11-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Readiness And Self-Efficacy Of Health Study Program Students In Facing Digital Transformation In The Society 5.0 Era At Jakarta In 2024 2024-11-27T22:36:08+00:00 Sarah Geltri Harahap Nia Nia Veronica Veronica Ellynia Ellynia Yurrita Mailintina Keysha Amelia Citra Arum Nadya Octania Azizah Az'zahra Rabecca Christin Chandra Aurelia Aurelia <p>The Society 5.0 era is an advancement that will connect technology with prospective health workers. The digital transformation of health that is developing in Indonesia requires the readiness of health students and self-efficacy to face the digital transformation of health as a form of change in the Socity 5.0 era. This study aims to determine the readiness of students of the health and self-efficacy study program in facing the Society 5.0 Era. This study is a descriptive research with a crossectional study design using primary data on 361 students from all study programs in educational institutions in Jakarta. The results of this study show that students have intellectual skills, interpersonal skills, and communication, personal skills, organizational skills in the medium range, while career readiness is at a high level. Student Work Readiness has a relationship with students' Self-Efficacy with a p value of 0.001. Students must be able to develop themselves in order to be able to adapt to the rapid development of the technological era. The participation of educators, and other factors are needed to support and create prospective graduates who have good job readiness and good self-efficacy.</p> 2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Analysis Of Hospital Readiness For The Implementation Of Standard Inpatient Care Class (KRIS): Literature Review 2024-09-09T17:17:14+00:00 Ria Amalia Saleh Rosyidah Rosyidah Muhammad Syamsu Hidayat <p>Health development aimed to improve access and quality of health services, yet 4.5 billion people globally and 2.9 million rural residents in Indonesia still lacked adequate access. The JKN Program strived to equalize health services, despite facing challenges such as complex registration and access inequalities. To enhance inpatient care quality, the Standard Inpatient Care Class (KRIS) system was implemented with 12 criteria. Although 81% of regional hospitals showed readiness for KRIS, many still required infrastructure adjustments. This study analyzed hospital readiness in implementing KRIS and provided recommendations to enhance its implementation effectiveness. The research utilized a literature review with a PRISMA approach. Google Scholar and PubMed search engines were used. After removing duplicates and filtering articles, eight relevant articles were selected and evaluated using Mendeley software. The research findings indicated variations in hospital readiness to meet Standard Inpatient Care Class (KRIS) requirements. Pertamina Bintang Amin Hospital only met 30% of the KRIS standards, while regional public hospital dr. Moch Anshari Saleh Banjarmasin achieved 85% readiness. Regional public hospital karanganyar and hospital Bhayangkara Medan faced challenges in policy socialization and infrastructure, while hospitals in Tangerang and Purwakarta districts struggled with meeting intensive care and isolation room standards. This study highlighted the need for infrastructure and facility improvements, as well as policy socialization for KRIS to achieve full standards. Hospital readiness for KRIS varied, with main challenges in infrastructure, facilities, socialization, as well as budgetary and funding constraints. The government and BPJS Kesehatan should monitor hospital readiness and subsidy mechanisms periodically.</p> 2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Patterns Of Medication Prescribing In Adolescent Patients With Mental Disorders At Krakatau Medika Hospital City Of Cilegon For The Period Of January–December 2023 2024-11-26T16:20:50+00:00 Isti Dwi Pruschia Maharani Maharani Dwiyarina Margarisa Shinta Dewi Kartika Dwi Astriani <p>Mental Disorders or Mental Illness is a disease that affects the sufferer's emotions, thought patterns and behavior, a term that refers to various conditions that affect feelings and mood. This study aims to determine the pattern of drug prescribing in adolescent patients with mental disorders at Krakatau Medika Hospital, Cilegon City for the period January - December 2023. This research is a descriptive study with retrospective data collection using patient medical record data. The sampling technique used in this research was Total Sampling using 61 samples. The variables used in this research are drug prescribing patterns, mental disorders, age and gender. The research results showed that the percentage of use of the Antidepressant drug class in the pattern of drug prescribing was higher than other psychopharmacological drug classes, patients received several types of drugs which were included in the Antidepressant drug group and there were combinations of drugs other than the Psychopharmaca drug class. Based on mental disorders, patients with depression are higher than other mental disorders, namely (44.30%). In the classification of adolescents aged 18 – 24 years, the highest percentage was at the age of 21 years, namely (23.00%) and gender, women experienced more mental disorders, namely 57.30%.</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth The Relationship Between Health Workers' Knowledge and the Implementation of Episiotomy Wound Care in Postpartum Mothers at the Postpartum Room of RSIA Siti Khadijah, Gorontalo City 2024-11-28T14:27:09+00:00 Harismayanti Harismayanti Ani Retni Faniya Ismail <p>Episiotomy is performed to prevent more severe damage to soft tissue due to excessive stretching forces beyond the tissue's elasticity. The episiotomy wound can become very painful, tender, swollen, and red. Patients may feel warmth in the perineal area, or may not. Sometimes, fluid may drain from the incision site. The ability to care for the wound can vary between health workers, which significantly affects the healing of the episiotomy wound in postpartum mothers. The aim of the study is to examine the relationship between health workers' knowledge and the implementation of episiotomy wound care in postpartum mothers. This research uses a quantitative method with a cross-sectional approach, with a population of 36 individuals and a sample size of 36 individuals (total sampling). The results show that health workers' knowledge is good, with proper implementation of episiotomy wound care at 94.4%, with a p-value of 0.002 &lt; 0.05. The conclusion is that there is a relationship between health workers' knowledge and the implementation of episiotomy wound care in postpartum mothers in the postpartum room at RSIA Siti Khadijah, Gorontalo City. It is recommended for health workers to follow standard operating procedures (SOPs) in wound care to prevent infection. Patients should maintain cleanliness of the wound by changing their underwear after urination and using clean water when urinating.</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth The Effect Of Benson's Relaxation Technique On Pain Reduction In Post-Operative Cesarean Section Patients In The Postpartum Care Room At RSUD Dr. M.M Dunda 2024-11-28T14:27:51+00:00 Ani Retni Fahmi A. Lihu Izrianingsri Dj. Yunus <p>The objective of this study is to determine the effect of Benson Relaxation Therapy on pain reduction in post-operative cesarean section patients in the Postpartum Care Room at RSUD dr. M.M Dunda. This research is a quantitative, analytical study aimed at understanding and predicting the effects of Benson's relaxation technique on pain reduction in post-cesarean patients. It uses a pre-experimental design with repeated measurements at pre-test and post-test stages. Conducted at RSUD dr. M.M Dunda in June 2024, the study involves 33 post-cesarean mothers from a population of 124. Non-probability sampling is used with specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data analysis includes univariate and bivariate tests, with normality testing via the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The study tests the hypothesis that Benson's relaxation technique reduces pain in post-cesarean patients, with a significance level of α = 0.05. Based on the research findings, the following conclusions can be drawn: First, prior to the Benson relaxation therapy, the average pain scale for postoperative cesarean section patients showed severe pain, with 16 patients (48.5%) experiencing this level of pain. Second, after undergoing Benson relaxation therapy, the average pain scale decreased, with 26 patients (78.8%) reporting mild pain. Lastly, there is a significant effect of Benson relaxation therapy on reducing pain in postoperative cesarean section patients in the postpartum ward at RSUD dr. M.M Dunda, as evidenced by a p-value of 0.000, which is less than 0.05.</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Implementation Of The Me-Smile Application At Dharmais Cancer Hospital: An Implementation Research 2024-11-28T01:45:56+00:00 Heru Nugroho Wisnu Handoyo <p>Healthcare facilities must monitor waste generation data daily so it can always be tracked as reference for medical waste management. Mostly, each Fasyankes has a scale to record their medical waste generation at their facilities, but this data’s only available within the Fasyankes. The medical waste generation data from Fasyankes still needs to be recapitulated for reporting so that it’s available for policymakers to support the medical waste management from Fasyankes. However, human error significantly affects the data when weighing, because the waste weighing is done twice: first during the disposal and transfer of medical waste from its source to Temporary Disposal Site, and second when the medical waste is collected by the third party who has permission and MoU with the healthcare facility, with different monitoring officers present during the disposal to the TPS and during the collection by the third party. The numerous complaints regarding this matter led the Ministry of Health to collaborate with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to develop an application named ME-SMILE in 2023. This application utilizes Internet of Things technology with sensors, microprocessors, and modules. Type of Research: Implementation Research with Research Design: case study, which falls under descriptive analysis research, namely research that is focused on a specific case to be observed and analyzed thoroughly and meticulously.With this research, it is hoped to share experiences and knowledge for the authors, especially in addressing the issues of implementing the Me-Smile application in healthcare facilities.</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth Acute Decompensated Heart Failure+Atrial Fibrilation: Case Report 2024-11-28T08:23:40+00:00 Ade Giriayu Anjani Shofiatul Fajriyah <p>Heart Failure is a health issue with high mortality and morbidity rates in both developed and developing countries, such as Indonesia. The prevalence of heart failure in Asia is generally similar to that reported in Europe (1–3%), while in Indonesia, the prevalence is reported to be greater than 5%. Heart failure increases among geriatric patients, affecting 6% of those aged 60-79 years and up to 14% of those over 80 years old. Acute Decompensated Heart Failure (ADHF) is the progressive worsening of symptoms and clinical signs of heart failure in patients who have been previously diagnosed with the condition. The underlying mechanisms of clinical deterioration in patients include increased congestion and disease progression. ADHF and atrial fibrillation (AF) often occur together and can lead to hemodynamic instability and death. AF is the most common supraventricular dysrhythmia in patients with ADHF, with a prevalence of 25%-40%. The combination of ADHF and AF results in adverse clinical outcomes, including prolonged hospitalization and increased mortality. A 50-year-old woman complained of shortness of breath accompanied by palpitations that started 10 days before hospital admission and worsened in the last 2 days. The patient has a history of an enlarged heart for the past 3 years. A transthoracic echocardiogram revealed atrial fibrillation with a rapid ventricular rate (RV) of 90-130 beats per minute, left ventricular dilation (LVIDd 5.5 cm), decreased right ventricular systolic function (TAPSE 1.4 cm), left atrial dilation (LAVI 64.45 ml/m²), and right atrial dilation (RA major 5.8 cm). The electrocardiogram showed atrial fibrillation, abnormal ST &amp; T waves, and prolonged ǪT interval.</p> 2024-12-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth The Relationship Between Knowledge And Maternal Interest In Using Implant Contraceptives 2024-11-28T04:34:17+00:00 Betristasia Puspitasari Rofik Darmayanti <p>Implants are an effective hormonal contraceptive method, contain the hormone progestin, are not permanent and can prevent pregnancy between 3 and 5 years. There are indeed several things that make implants unpopular because many people lack the latest information about proper use. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between knowledge and maternal interest in using implant contraception. The research design uses correlation with a cross sectional approach. The population in the study of all mothers in RW 02 Ds Cengkok, Nganjuk Regency. The sampling technique using accidental sampling was obtained with a sample of 33 respondents. In this study, two variables were used, namely the independent variable was the mother's knowledge of implant contraception and the dependent variable was the mother's interest in using implan contraception. The research instruments used questionnaires, data processing with editing, coding, scoring, tabulating and data analysis using Spearman Rank. The results of the study were obtained that 18 respondents (54.6%) had sufficient knowledge about implant contraception and 27 respondents (81.8%) had moderate interest in using implant contraception. From the results of the statistical test, it was found that there was a relationship between the knowledge of mothers about implant contraception and interest in using implant contraception based on the results of Z calculated 3 while Z table was 1.96 where Z counted &gt; Z table, then H1 was accepted. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between knowledge and maternal interest in using implant contraceptives. To increase maternal knowledge about implant contraception, counseling is needed, especially for mothers with low education.</p> 2024-12-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth The Impact Of Immunisation Programmes On The Reduction Of Communicable Disease Cases In Urban Communities 2024-11-14T06:44:54+00:00 Ustifina Hasanah Hasibuan <p>The objective of this study is to ascertain the impact of immunisation programmes on the reduction of infectious disease cases in urban communities in East Jakarta. The research method employed was qualitative, with a case study approach. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with health workers, parents, and community leaders, as well as direct observation at several posyandu and community health centres. The results demonstrated that the immunisation programme has a substantial impact on the reduction of infectious disease cases, particularly in children, and the enhancement of public awareness regarding the significance of immunisation. Nevertheless, several challenges persist, including disparities in access to vaccination and the presence of resistance from specific community groups. The findings are anticipated to provide insights for local governments in optimising immunisation programmes in urban areas.</p> 2024-12-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal EduHealth