Jurnal EduHealth https://ejournal.seaninstitute.or.id/index.php/healt <p>The Jurnal EduHealth contains articles based on research results or equivalent in the health field. The research includes research related to the community environment as well as to the general public. Articles published in this journal have never been published/published by other media. with focus</p> <ol> <li>Medical education</li> <li>Public Health Science</li> <li>Environmental Health and Sanitation.</li> <li>Health Information System</li> <li>Pharmaceutical Technology</li> <li>Pharmacology and Toxicology</li> <li>midwifery</li> <li>Nursing Education</li> <li>Clinical Practice</li> <li>Community Health Care</li> <li>Management and Health System</li> </ol> <p>We are proud to announce the Accredited Jurnal Edu Health “<strong>Rank 5” (Rank 5)</strong> with Notification Number <strong>0385/E5.3/KI.02.00 /2022,</strong></p> <p><strong> Since 2022, </strong>Jurnal Eduhealth has been published 4 times in March, June, September, and December. </p> Sean Institute en-US Jurnal EduHealth 2087-3271 The Influence Of Parental Knowledge On Oral Habits In Children Aged 7-12 Years In Public Elementary Schools In Cimahi City https://ejournal.seaninstitute.or.id/index.php/healt/article/view/6130 <p>Bad habits are repetitive actions that typically cease on their own in children under six years old. However, if these habits persist beyond the age of six, they can lead to abnormalities in the dentofacial structure such as malocclusion, facial deformities, and palatal shape irregularities. Knowledge about children's bad habits is crucial for parents as it directly impacts the development and growth of their child's healthy teeth. Insufficient parental knowledge about these habits, if repeated, can result in oral cavity abnormalities in children, which can affect dentofacial functions including speech, tooth occlusion, chewing, swallowing, and aesthetics. Good parental knowledge about the negative impacts of bad habits is essential for parents to take necessary preventive measures. This study aimed to determine the influence of parental knowledge on bad habits in the oral cavity of children aged 712 years in public elementary schools in Cimahi City. The research design used was analytical observational with a cross-sectional approach. The study involved 317 parents of children aged 7-12 years attending public elementary schools in Cimahi City. Data collection was conducted through a 39-item questionnaire distributed via Google Forms. The research findings showed that the correlation coefficient with a significance value (p sig) of 0.000 &lt; 0.05, indicating that there is a correlation between parental knowledge (X) and bad habits in the oral cavity of children (Y). There is an influence of parental knowledge on bad habits in the oral cavity of children aged 7-12 years in Cimahi City.</p> Badi Soerachman Rhabiah El Fithriyah Hasna Nur Afifah Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-07 2025-01-07 16 01 1 10 The Effect Of Pacifier Use (Non-Nutritive Sucking) On Pain Intensity In Premature Babies Undergoing IV Infusion In The NICU And Perina Room Alia Hospital Jakarta https://ejournal.seaninstitute.or.id/index.php/healt/article/view/6131 <p>Premature babies are susceptible to various health complications due to immaturity of the organ system, so they need intensive care, namely NICU. Babies will experience pain due to invasive procedures. This pain can be treated with non-pharmacological methods, namely Non-Nutritive Sucking (NNS) in the form of pacifiers. This study aims to determine the effect of pacifier use (non-nutritive sucking) on pain intensity in premature babies who have an IV in the NICU and Perina Alia Hospital Jakarta. This study used a quasi-experimental method with a post-test-only non-equivalent control group approach. The study sample consisted of 34 respondents divided into intervention and control groups, each with 17 respondents. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. The pain scale measurement instrument used NIPS (Neonatal Infant Scale). The average pain intensity of the intervention group was 1.65 and the control group was 4.24. Data analysis used the independent T-test. The results of the study obtained a p value = 0.001 (a &lt;0.05) meaning that there is an effect of pacifier use (Non- Nutritive Sucking) on pain intensity in premature infants who underwent IV in the NICU and Perina Alia Hospital Jakarta. Pacifiers are recommended as an independent nursing intervention in reducing pain intensity in infants who underwent IV.</p> Irmawati Irmawati Hanik Rohmah Irawati Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-07 2025-01-07 16 01 11 21 Characterisctics, Clinical Features, And Management Of Fibroadenoma Mammae Patients At Dustira Hospital Cimahi https://ejournal.seaninstitute.or.id/index.php/healt/article/view/6132 <p>Fibroadenoma mammae (FAM) is the most common benign breast tumor that occurs at the age of 14-35 years. About 10% of the female population has FAM. FAM manifests as solitary masses that are easily movable, well-defined, with a smooth surface. The aim of this study was to determine the characteristics, clinical features, and management of FAM patients at Dustira Hospital using secondary data from medical records. A total of 68 FAM patients were selected as samples during the period 2018-2023. The research variables consisted of the number of cases, age, body mass index(BMI), location, topography, size, quantity, and management of FAM. Univariate analysis was used in this study and the results were presented in narrative and tabular forms. The results of the study showed that the highest number of FAM cases occurred in 2018, reaching 28 (41.1%). Characteristics of FAM patients included 49 individuals (72%) in the 16-30 age group, 32 individuals (47%) with normal body mass index. Clinical features of FAM were found in 31 individuals (45.6%) on the right breast, 24 individuals (35.3%) in the upper medial quadrant, with a size of 3-5 cm in 24 individuals (35.3%), and 49 individuals ( 72.1%) limited solitary masses. Management included surgery in all 68 individuals (100%), with 67 individuals (98.5%) underwent excision, while 1 individual (1.5%) underwent incision. Age and BMI are suspected to play a role in FAM formation related to estrogen hypersensitivity and mutations in the mediator complex subunit 12 (MED12). Lesion size is influenced by estrogen exposure. Management of fibroadenoma depends on the patient's preferences and clinical conditions. Women at risk or suspecting breast masses are advised to perform self-breast examination (BSE) and efficiently consult with healthcare professionals.</p> Ris Kristiana Salsha Regina Syakyra Endah Hamidah Endry Septiadi Fitriardi Sejati Tatang Bisri Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-07 2025-01-07 16 01 22 30